Genre Flick News

Henry Cavill


FIRST LOOK: Official Logo For Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel

Henry Cavill Will Star In The Great Wall

Variety reports that Henry Cavill (Immortals) will lead the film The Great Wall. It will feature around the mystery behind the construction of China’s Great Wall. Edward Zwick will be directing who is best known for the rather large films Glory, The Siege, The Last Samurai, Blood Diamond and Defiance. Last Samurai screenwriter Marshall Herskovitz wrote the script with Zwick. There might be genre/supernatural elements as Max Brooks best known for writing the novel World War Z helped create the story and will produce. Cavill previously worked with Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. on Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel. We’ll be seeing Henry play the lead in the upcoming action thriller The Cold Light of Day and the Man of Steel next summer.


The Cold Light Of Day Trailer

RUMOR: Bradley Cooper Playing Lex Luthor?

Bradley Cooper has been choosing a lot of odd projects lately which run the gauntlet of comedy, indie, action, blockbuster, genre and drama. Today’s big rumor of the day brings Cooper back to the world of comic book roles. CosimicBookNews (via ComicBookMovie) “reports” that now that Paradise Lost’s production is on hold Warner Bros. is looking for Cooper to make a cameo in Man of Steel as Lex Luthor.

At the moment this nothing but an interesting rumor but if the studio is really intent on making more Superman films Cooper isn’t a bad casting choice for Lex. It had been mentioned a while back the studio might be already working on a sequel to Man of Steel. If true it could end up as brief as Russell Crowe’s cameo as Jor-El, Superman’s father.

Bradley had been previously rumored for Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man. He also had some interest in Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) before being replaced by Ryan Reynolds and Eric Draven in the now dead Crow reboot.

Warner Bros. Looking For Writers To Script Man Of Steel Sequel?

ThinkMcFlyThink reports that Warner Bros. is moving forward with a sequel to Man of Steel the Superman reboot from director Zack Snyder (Watchmen, 300). The studio is currently looking at writers to pen a script for the sequel.

The writers in question include Steve Kloves (Akira, Amazing Spider-Man, Harry Potter Series), Travis Beacham (Pacific Rim, Clash of The Titans) and Lawrence Kasdan (Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of The Lost Ark, Paradise Lost).

While I don’t know all the legality of the Superman rights dispute the studio could lose the film rights if they don’t keep making films. I’m sure they are happy with what Snyder and the excellent cast are delivering but I feel this could be just a way for the studio to keep their lawyers happy. That’s of course this is even true as this very well could be just a rumor.

FIRST LOOK: Russell Crowe As Jor-El On The Set Of Man Of Steel

Antje Traue Is Playing A Kryptoian Villainess In Superman!

German actress Antje Traue (Pandorum) has been confirmed by Variety and Deadline joining Superman: Man of Steel. They are giving conflicting characters Ursa (seen in Superman 1-2) and Faora both Kryptoian villains but she has joined the film none the less. This very well could be the role that Diane Kruger (Inglourious Basterds) had been testing for. I haven’t seen much of Antje’s work but she did a decent job in Pandorum giving one of the better performances in the film. It’s expected she will be an ally of General Zod (Michael Shannon).

RUMOR: Kryptoian Villain Faora Also In Superman?

LatinoReview is upping their previous rumor of the inclusion of a female Kryptoian villain. They state it’s Faora who is an actual character from the comics with ties to Zod. She was the basis for the Richard Donner character Ursa which was featured in Superman II. It was rumored that actresses Diane Kruger (Inglourious Basterds), Alice Eve and Rosamound Pike were auditioning for the role of a villain and not the role of Lois Lane.

Michael Shannon Officially Playing Zod In Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel

Warner Bros. has finally announced the villain for Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot which is now officially titled Man of Steel. Michael Shannon is set to play General Zod and is likely to steal the show. Shannon has been known as a character actor taking smaller roles but came into his own recently with his performance in the first season of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire. It’s still unknown if Lex Luthor, General Sam Lane or Metallo will also be involved in the film but at least we know Zod is for sure now. Shannon joins an impressive cast that includes Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Diane Lane and Kevin Costner.

RUMOR: General Sam Lane & Metallo Villains Of Superman Reboot?

Yet another crop of possible villains have crept online via ComicBookMovie. This time it’s General Sam Lane the father of Lois Lane (Amy Adams) and the military created villain Metallo. General Sam Lane sees Superman as a threat to national security and discovers that kryptonite is a powerful resource using it power Metallo’s robotic suit. It seems a little too similar to the plot points of The Incredible Hulk but it might be the best way to ground the character giving a limit to his powers.

Previously there had been concept artwork for the J.J. Abrams/Brett Ratner version of Superman before Bryan Singer came in. One piece of the art has what appears to be the Metallo suit firing off missiles possibly containing kryptonite.

Zack Snyder Confirms His Superman & Nolan’s Batman Won’t Be In Justice League, Will Have It’s Own Takes On The Heroes

HeyUGuys was able to ask director Zack Snyder a Justice League question during the UK premiere of Sucker Punch. They asked how his Superman would fit into DC’s answer to the Avengers. Zack stated that both his take on Superman and along with Nolan’s Batman won’t be involved. They will have a separate take on the heroes.

“It doesn’t. Like what Chris Nolan is doing and what I’m doing with Superman, what they’ll do with Justice League will be it’s own thing with it’s own Batman and own Superman. We’ll be over here with our movie and they kinda get to do it twice which is kinda cool.”

It’s unknown if Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern will be included or not. This could give a clue on purposed Batman reboot. That it might still be set in the Gotham City Christopher Nolan has created. There is also the possibility that the established cast could stay in the roles.

Justice League & Wonder Woman Films In The Works

Along with the news of a reboot for Batman Warner Bros’ Jeff Robinov also spoke out on other DC hero projects. He confirms that script a for a new Justice League film is currently in the works. It’s unknown if this a completely new take or a reworking of the previous script for George Miller’s Justice League of America that got scrapped. What is known that Christopher Nolan will likely be involved as he is producing both the Superman and Batman reboots. I wouldn’t be shocked to see him also producing Justice League and other future DC films. As it sits Ryan Reynolds and Henry Cavill seem like the only actors set for the film.

He also confirms that The Flash and Wonder Woman are still in development.  Last we heard of Wonder Woman there was a version in the works with Joss Whedon directing and Joel Silver producing. It’s possible it could be a different take and be reworked to fall in a similar world of the new films. It’s great news as fans have reservations of the new Wonder Woman television series which looks like it could end up really bad. Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, Pusher Trilogy, Bronson, Logan’s Run) had openly campaigned to direct a gritty Wonder Woman film and now that he’s directing Warner Bros’ Logan’s Run it’s strong possibility he could be hired. As for Flash,  script had been delivered to the studio back in December but no director has been announced.

Of course this sounds in line with previous talk of the DC heroes taking over for the Harry Potter franchise. So I expect we could be seeing two DC films a year one in the summer and one during the Christmas season. Not mentioned is the fate of the Green Arrow film Supermax written by David S. Goyer (Superman: Man of Steel, Nolan’s Batman Films, Blade) or the rumored Aquaman project. If they are on the road of a Justice League film they really should put Supermax back in development as Green Arrow would be needed to ground the film slightly as he doesn’t have superpowers. One thing that grounds the Avengers is the fact that characters like Hawkeye, Black Widow, Maria Hill and Nick Fury don’t have superpowers but are still great heroes.

Amy Adams Will Be Lois Lane In Superman: Man of Steel!

HeroComplex has the exclusive that Amy Adams (The Fighter) will play Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s Superman: Man of Steel. Adams is an interesting choice as the feisty redhead has been Oscar nominated three times. It’s a massive step up from the previous Lois who had been played by Kate Bosworth.

It was recently mentioned that Superman could be shooting on location in Chicago in August. There has also been talk from Zack that this could be his most realistic film including Dawn of The Dead. This could mean that this very well could be the most grounded take on Superman we’ve ever seen. I wouldn’t be shocked to see his powers given a limit and the threats more real world.

Michael Shannon In Talks For Villain Role In Superman

Deadline reports that Michael Shannon is in talks for the unnamed villain in Zack Snyder’s Superman. Shannon is best known for his role as a prohibition officer in the HBO series Boardwalk Empire. He also earned an Oscar nomination for his role in Revolutionary Road.

Viggo Mortensen Not Joining Superman, Could Gerard Butler?

Director Zack Snyder has confirmed to LatinoReview that Viggo Mortensen will not be joining Superman: Man of Steel. It had be reported that Viggo had been up for the role of Zod along with Daniel Day-Lewis. ThePlaylist is hearing “whispers” that Snyder wants to reunite with Gerard Bulter (300, Gamer, RockNRolla) and he could end up in the movie.

Butler is great on screen when there is a decent script and solid director behind him. It would be interesting to see him play Zod or other possible villains. Nothing is confirmed or even mentioned by the trades so it’s just wishful thinking at this point.

Kevin Costner Is Officially Pa Kent In Superman: Man of Steel

Warner Bros. has officially announced that Kevin Costner will play Jonathan “Pa” Kent the adopted father of Clark Kent in Zack Snyder’s Superman. Costner is third cast member that has joined the superhero reboot. Diane Lane will play his wife Ma Kent and Henry Cavill as Clark/Superman.

Diane Lane Will Play Martha Kent In Zack Snyder’s Superman

Deadline has the official press release from Warner Bros. that Diane Lane has been cast as Superman‘s adopted mother Martha Kent. Lane is the second officially announced cast member with Henry Cavill set in the lead. Kevin Costner has been rumored for the role of Pa Kent.

Viggo Mortensen Could Play The Villain In Superman

HeatVision reports that Viggo Mortensen is a person of interest to play the villain in Zack Snyder’s Superman. Viggo is currently in talks to join Snow White & The Huntsman but that deal hasn’t been signed just yet. I’ll be curious to see if Christopher Nolan and Snyder are able to win him over to take the role. Vision believes the role is of General Zod famously played by Terrence Stamp in Superman II. Henry Cavill is the soul actor that has been cast so far but it’s expected as the summer gets closer we’ll be hearing more official news.

RUMOR: Eve, Pike & Kruger Up For Kryptoian Villain Ursa?

LatinoReview is claiming to have found out who the unknown Superman role actresses Alice Eve, Rosamund Pike and Diane Kruger are testing for. It’s General Zod’s right-hand lady Ursa who was featured as one of three Kryptoian villains in Superman II.

If true this means that Zod very well could be a villain in the film. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see Joe Manganiello in the role of bruiser Non. I’d rather see a Krytoian war on Earth instead of Lex Luthor being the villain for the umpteenth time. There have also been rumblings of Doomsday being the film’s big baddie.

Alice Eve, Rosamund Pike & Diane Kruger Up For Unknown Superman Role

Variety reports that Alice Eve, Rosamund Pike and Diane Kruger (Troy, Inglourious Basterds) are up for a major female role in Zack Snyder’s Superman. Alice Eve has tested for Captain America and landed the Emma Frost role in X-Men First Class before quitting over the limited part. Pike also had been linked to the Frost role but ultimately didn’t get it. The kicker is that they say the role is not for Lois Lane. Surprisingly enough there aren’t many female roles in the world of Superman. I expect that it could be Lana Lane, Kara Kent (Supergirl) or Lara (Clark’s Kryptonian mother). More than likely the latter of the three as a brief scene of Clark’s origin made into a credit montage is very possible.

Mila Kunis Also Involved With Superman Auditions?

NYDailyNews reports that Kristen Stewart isn’t Lois Lane material as she didn’t impress director Zack Snyder with her audition. Something I had assumed/hoped would happen when her name crept into the Superman rumors.

They briefly mention Mila Kunis as another possible actress in the running. Kunis has grown as an actress and has had impressive performances in films like Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Most notable her role in Black Swan which earned her the Marcello Mastroianni Award at the Venice Film Festival. I expect that there might be high pedigree to the supporting cast similar to Nolan’s Batman films.

Olivia Wilde Also In The Running For Lois Lane?

LatinoReview is reporting that Olivia Wilde has tested for the role of Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s Superman. Yet another actress in a growing list of rumored hopefuls which includes Malin Akerman, Kristen Stewart, Dianna Agron, Jessica Biel, Rachel McAdams, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Kristen Bell.

Olivia is becoming a great addition to large scale blockbusters proven first with her performance in Tron Legacy. Wilde’s character being the highlight of the entire film and is one of the reasons Disney could move forward with Tron 3. She’s also starring alongside Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford in Jon Favreau’s Cowboys & Aliens this summer. I wouldn’t doubt that she’s being highly considered for the role. 

More Actresses Viving For Superman, A Batman Connection?

More actresses are joining Malin Akerman as rumored candidates for Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s Superman. First off is Twilight’s Kristen Stewart who is a little too young for the role but seems to have sort of clout with Hollywood. WhatsPlaying has revealed more names which includes Rachel McAdams (Sherlock Holmes), Jessica Biel and Dianna Agron (I Am Number Four, Glee). Out of the bunch I believe McAdams has the best bet she’s respected and was apart of Sherlock Holmes’ success.

CinemaBlend adds to the speculation including Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Scott Pilgrim, The Thing, Die Hard 4) and Kristen Bell (Sarah Marshall, Fanboys) to the mix. Personally I like the thought of Winstead as Lois Lane because of her experience working on large action films.

What I’m noticing is that some of the names were linked to Nolan’s Batman films. Natalie Portman and Anne Hathaway were both linked for Superman and Dark Knight Rises. Hathaway would eventually land the Selina Kyle part in Rises. Rachel McAdams was linked to Dark Knight when Katie Holmes was being replaced. Biel had been in the list of hopefuls for Dark Knight Rises. So I would assume others who were linked could be involved with the Superman tests. The two productions are so close it seems like it would make sense for Warner Bros. to cast actors at the same time. Christopher Nolan would be involved with both productions search for actors. Expect others linked to Dark Knight Rises to be involved in the casting process.

Keira Knighley seems like the best guess for who will be next to be rumored as she was linked with Dark Knight Rises. She also was a frontrunner for the role of Peggy Carter in Captain America. It does seem like the actress is actively looking for a comic book film to star in. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Knighley also connected with Superman and Avengers. Eva Green was another name involved with Batman casting rumors and is in the perfect age range to compliment Henry Cavill. Green has proven herself capable of knocking it out of the park in action roles with Casino Royale and Ridley Scott’s underrated Kingdom of Heaven.

Who Do You Picture As Lois Lane?? Leave Your Comments!