Genre Flick News

David Goyer

David Goyer Confirms The Studio Wanted DiCaprio To Play The Riddler In ‘DARK KNIGHT RISES’

Here’s a bit of interesting insight into the behind the scenes process of making The Dark Knight Rises as screenwriter David S. Goyer talks to Empire via BatmanNews. David reveals that studio executives at Warner Bros. were already talking about a sequel at The Dark Knight premiere. The studio wanted  Leonardo DiCaprio play a Nolanized version of The Riddler in the next film. Of course this didn’t happen but it’s another fun “what-if?” moment from the franchise.

“it’s gonna be The Riddler, and we want it to be Leonardo DiCaprio…”.

It confirms previous reports that Inception co-stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy and DiCaprio had been competing for the Riddler. Not to mention strings of casting rumors linked to the role. Nolan might have tried to fit him into early drafts only to give him the axe and make way for Bane. In the early days of Rises’ development Michael Caine and Gary Oldman had teased on red carpets the Riddler would be the villain which might have come from studio people not Nolan.

You never know what the future of Batman holds. If Nolanites want this franchise to keep going it would be in good hands with someone like Wally Pfister taking over directing duties from Nolan. Bale has stated that if Nolan handed him a script he’d love to make another film just for the challenge. I’d love to see Jonah and Chris stay on as writers while continuing to work on their original projects as well.

New Godzilla Movie Gets Another Writer

While Legendary Pictures hired Gareth Edwards (Monsters) to direct their new Godzilla film they didn’t have an official writer. There was word that David S. Goyer (Man of Steel, Blade, Dark Knight Rises) and David Callaham were working on a drafts. Now there is confirmation from HeatVision that newcomer Max Borenstein will now work on the script.

Michael Shannon Officially Playing Zod In Zack Snyder’s Man Of Steel

Warner Bros. has finally announced the villain for Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot which is now officially titled Man of Steel. Michael Shannon is set to play General Zod and is likely to steal the show. Shannon has been known as a character actor taking smaller roles but came into his own recently with his performance in the first season of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire. It’s still unknown if Lex Luthor, General Sam Lane or Metallo will also be involved in the film but at least we know Zod is for sure now. Shannon joins an impressive cast that includes Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Diane Lane and Kevin Costner.

RUMOR: General Sam Lane & Metallo Villains Of Superman Reboot?

Yet another crop of possible villains have crept online via ComicBookMovie. This time it’s General Sam Lane the father of Lois Lane (Amy Adams) and the military created villain Metallo. General Sam Lane sees Superman as a threat to national security and discovers that kryptonite is a powerful resource using it power Metallo’s robotic suit. It seems a little too similar to the plot points of The Incredible Hulk but it might be the best way to ground the character giving a limit to his powers.

Previously there had been concept artwork for the J.J. Abrams/Brett Ratner version of Superman before Bryan Singer came in. One piece of the art has what appears to be the Metallo suit firing off missiles possibly containing kryptonite.

Amy Adams Will Be Lois Lane In Superman: Man of Steel!

HeroComplex has the exclusive that Amy Adams (The Fighter) will play Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s Superman: Man of Steel. Adams is an interesting choice as the feisty redhead has been Oscar nominated three times. It’s a massive step up from the previous Lois who had been played by Kate Bosworth.

It was recently mentioned that Superman could be shooting on location in Chicago in August. There has also been talk from Zack that this could be his most realistic film including Dawn of The Dead. This could mean that this very well could be the most grounded take on Superman we’ve ever seen. I wouldn’t be shocked to see his powers given a limit and the threats more real world.

Kevin Costner Is Officially Pa Kent In Superman: Man of Steel

Warner Bros. has officially announced that Kevin Costner will play Jonathan “Pa” Kent the adopted father of Clark Kent in Zack Snyder’s Superman. Costner is third cast member that has joined the superhero reboot. Diane Lane will play his wife Ma Kent and Henry Cavill as Clark/Superman.

Viggo Mortensen Could Play The Villain In Superman

HeatVision reports that Viggo Mortensen is a person of interest to play the villain in Zack Snyder’s Superman. Viggo is currently in talks to join Snow White & The Huntsman but that deal hasn’t been signed just yet. I’ll be curious to see if Christopher Nolan and Snyder are able to win him over to take the role. Vision believes the role is of General Zod famously played by Terrence Stamp in Superman II. Henry Cavill is the soul actor that has been cast so far but it’s expected as the summer gets closer we’ll be hearing more official news.

RUMOR: Mailn Akerman In The Running For Lois Lane?

ComicBookMovie has posted a rumor that Mailn Akerman could be up for the role of Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s Superman. It seems possible as they’ve got their Clark Kent/Superman (Henry Cavill) that they would move on to casting the rest of the film.

If true Akerman has a good shot as she’s worked with both the studio and Synder on Watchmen previously. HeatVision recently confirmed rumors that Mailn’s Watchmen co-star Matthew Goode had been a top choice to play Superman. It’s very likely that Snyder could round out the cast with actors he’s worked with before.

EDITORIAL: Joseph Gordon Levitt Should Be Superman

 The GeekFiles just reported that neither Warner Bros. or Zack Snyder have started casting for Superman: Man of Steel. It’s annoying for me since I feel like if credible sites are reporting tips I should be posting them for my readers. Instead of posting some new rumor I’d like to give my full support to see Joseph Gordon Levitt play the new Clark Kent. Let’s just hope those involved with the production hear this plea.

 While he isn’t the hulking actor that most have been mentioning I think that’s really the point. I don’t think we really need to repeat the same type of actors like Christopher Revees and Brandon Routh. To officially break themselves from the Richard Donner mold I believe they need to focus on strong acting abilities rather than appearance. The new Superman needs to be charming, out spoken and believable to command confidence in the franchise. While I’m not too focused on the actor’s background being American couldn’t hurt. We keep hearing the film will center around the early days of Superman so a younger actor is expected. They would also need someone with enough popularity and following too help sell their new concept for the hero. I believe Joseph meets all these criteria to be the best choice for the role.

  I think the best evidence is with his roles. In 500 Days of Summer he showed off many qualities we’ve come to relate to Clark Kent. Like Bruce Wayne the character has a double life with two personalities the hero and average guy. While Superman’s powers are his own because of his alien nature he still needs to give himself an alter ego. I feel that Joseph is capable of playing the duo role of Kent and Superman. Where as previous actors have had issues balancing the two. We’ve seen JGL play the hero and good guy balance very well in films like The Lookout, Brick and more recently with Inception. 

  I consider myself a loyal fan to the work of both directors Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan. Yet neither hire their actors based on popularity or the fact the online community campaign for them. Well the one thing they do is hire people they’ve worked with previously. Luckily Joseph has worked with now producer Christopher Nolan on Inception which could greatly help his chances.

  While I do think we could see Snyder regulars like Abbie Cornish and Carla Gugino cast in roles. Matthew Goode who is rumored for the role strikes me as someone that makes a better villain than hero. Whoever that villain will be since Zod has been ruled out. Let’s just hope they don’t recycle Lex Luthor once again.

So I’ve made my argument of why I’d like to see JGL play Superman. It won’t be too long before actual casting announcements will start rolling out with the film expected to shoot this summer.

What do you think of Joseph Gordon Levitt playing Superman?? Is there someone else you’d rather see in the role?? Please Leave Your Comments!!

Will Anne Hathaway Be Lois Lane In Snyder’s Superman?

Anne Hathaway is being linked for the role of Lois Lane by FeatureFilmAuditions in Zack Snyder’s Superman: Man of Steel. Anne was cast in Spider-Man 4 before it eventually was killed. She’s also been recently linked to The Dark Knight Rises and Alien Prequels. Natalie Portman has also been rumored to be in talks too.

RUMOR: Snyder Wants Matthew Goode For Superman?

MovieNewz reports that Zack Snyder is keen to reunite with Matthew Goode for Superman. The site is new to me so don’t count on this being true but it’s interesting none the less. Could American audiences root for a British Superman? Considering Batman is Welsh, Green Lantern is Canadian and Spidey is now also a Brit I doubt anyone will care in the end if the film is good.

Matthew Goode is a superb actor but he hasn’t had many strong leading roles. He’s mostly been a supporting player in films like Watchmen, The Look Out and Match Point. Yet he was the best part of the generic rom-com Leap Year so there is hope he could bring a variety of different acting skills to the hero. While Goode is a decent choice I can’t help but think Armie Hammer could do the role justice too.

Armie Hammer Being Considered For Superman

Deadline is reporting on possible candidates for the role of Clark Kent in Zack Snyder’s Superman. They list Armie Hammer, Ian Somerhalder (Vampire Diaries) and the previously rumored Joe Manganiello (True Blood). Coming off the Social Network, Armie is the best of the bunch. Hammer was previously cast as Batman in George Miller’s Justice League film before it got scrapped.

RUMOR: True Blood’s Joe Manganiello Up For A Role In Superman?

Joe Manganiello who plays a werewolf on HBO’s True Blood could have a role in Zack Snyder’s Superman. (via CBM) reports that fans at EyeCon heard Joe say he could be involved in Superman. While I doubt they would hire him for the lead, Snyder is notorious for hiring television actors for his films and giving them big roles. Previously Snyder helped Sarah Polly, Gerard Butler, Michael Fassbender, Malin Akerman and Jeffery Dean Morgan get much needed exposure.

Idris Elba & Johnny Whitworth In Talks For Ghost Rider 2

HeatVision reports that Idris Elba and Johnny Whitworth (Pathology) are in talks to join Ghost Rider: The Spirit of Vengeance. The Neveldine/Taylor (Crank, Gamer) directed and David S. Goyer (Blade, Dark Knight) written sequel will be set in Europe where Blaze has to stop an evil plot by the devil. Idris isn’t new to the world of comic book films starring in Thor, The Losers and possibly in talks for Luke Cage or Blade. The two actors would join the returning Nicolas Cage along with possible additions Ciarán Hinds (Munich, Rome) and Italian actress Violante Placido (The American).

Neveldine/Taylor In Talks To Direct Ghost Rider 2

Sony is fast tracking Ghost Rider 2 to make sure the studio keeps the rights. HeatVision reports an offer has gone out to Neveldine/Taylor (Crank) to direct the sequel. David Goyer (Batman Begins, Blade) is responsible for the film’s story so it should solid this time around. Nicolas Cage is set to return but he can’t be blamed for how bad the original film turned out. Cage gave of some of his best performances recently in Kick-Ass and Bad Lieutenant.

I’m a massive fan of Neveldine/Taylor, their last two films Gamer and Crank 2 have proved the pair can do amazing stuff technically (shooting, editing, practical/CGI special effects). I expect we’ll see the RED camera system used again which looks stunning in their hands. Don’t get your hopes up just yet though. The directing duo had written Jonah Hex with the promise of helming it but they eventually left. Yet it would very interesting to see them finally direct a comic book film. Considering their history with only making R-rated films I’m expect this film will be darker than the first one.