Genre Flick News

Romola Garai

SPECULATION: Black Cat To Appear In Amazing Spider-Man 2?

There is speculation that we could finally see Spidey get a crime fighting partner in Amazing Spider-Man 2. In the new film’s video game the infamous Black Cat comes into play and seems to give the impression that she will make an appearance in future films. Sony had been calling the shots with what made it in this connected game so the chances are good. This has led to rumblings online that Black Cat could be making her way into the sequel.

One of the biggest problems with the Spider-Man film mythology is that Parker ends up getting his ass handed to him by every villain. It would be fresh to see him finally partner up with one of the few other heroes in the Spidey universe. Considering a decent amount of characters in this world are at Sony’s disposal but have yet to be used in the movies. Now that Marvel Studios has created their own Marvel universe it would be nice to see Sony attempt this with their Spider-Man characters. The few other heroes include Scarlet Spider/Kaine (clones of Peter Parker), Morbius The Living Vampire (rights could be with Marvel), mercenary Silver Sable, along with anti-heroes Scream and Venom (getting spin-off film).

Black Cat is the secret identity of New York socialite Felicia Hardy, who just happens to be a friend of Peter Parker and moonlights as a cat bugler. While she turns out to be a villain at first her new interest in Spidey makes her change sides to win his heart. Considering the limited amount of Marvel heroines in these films it would be a welcomed change to the cliched damsel in distress.

This isn’t hard to believe since the character Felicia Hardy had been wanted for Sam Raimi’s axed Spider-Man 4. io9 had word actresses such as Rachel McAdams (Sherlock Holmes) and Romola Garai (Atonement, The Last Days of Mars) had been rumored for the role. Anne Hathaway had been cast in Spider-Man 4 as the daughter of The Vulture which might have been turned out her becoming Black Cat. Of course the film was scrapped and Anne ended up landing the role of Catwoman in the The Dark Knight Rises. Considering the ages of the new leads I’m sure if they do end up casting the role they might go a bit younger.

Liev Schreiber, Sally Hawkins And Romola Garai Join Sci-Fi Thriller ‘THE LAST DAYS ON MARS’

It looks like Ruairi Robinson’s science fiction thriller The Last Days On Mars is finally moving forward. TheDailyMail (via ThePlaylist) reports on the first casting additions that include Liev Schreiber (Scream 1-3, Repo Men, Ransom) , Sally Hawkins (Layer Cake, Submarine) and Romola Garai (Atonement). The film that has WETA (Avatar, Hobbit, LOTR, King Kong) handling the effects centers on a crew of astronauts on Mars who discover evidence of bacterial life, only for them to start to being killed off when things go horribly wrong. I assume this film will end up something similar to Mission To Mars/Red Planet meets Alien/Prometheus.

Films That Should Be Made: Highlander (The Search For Vengeance)

It may have been a mediocre direct to DVD release but the anime had one of the better Highlander stories I’ve seen. It pretty much took elements from most of the films and put them to good use. If handled by the right studio this could be a good way of rebooting the franchise. There is already talk of a remake of the original which I think is a very bad idea. This version uses a different character Colin so that it can avoid making fans angry. I could picture Len Wiseman directing this.

-Tom Hardy (Layer Cake, RockNRolla) as Colin MacLeod.

– Javier Bardem (Collateral, No Country) as Marcus Octavius.

– Romola Garai (Atonement) as Dahlia.

– Maggie Q (Live Free or Die Hard) as Kyala.

-Kelly McDonald (Trainspotting) as Moya.