Genre Flick News

Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts Joins DiCaprio In Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar

Deadline reports that Naomi Watts (Eastern Promises) has joined Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar.Watts took over the role when Charlize Theron left the film to focus on other projects. The cast is lead by Leonardo DiCaprio with Armie Hammer, Josh Lucas, Ed Westwick and Judi Dench.

I’ve been hesitant to report on the film considering Eastwood’s tepid outings with Changeling and Hereafter have burned me before. Let’s just hope Eastwood can return to the greatness of Mystic River. It also feels like Clint has been trying too hard to make Oscar bait rather making a solid entertaining film.

Have Eva Green & Naomi Watts Joined The Dark Knight Rises?

Marion Cotillard and Natalie Portman rumored to be in the running for roles in The Dark Knight Rises announced pregnancies. Knocking the two actresses out of the running. Now there is word from Collider that Eva Green (Casino Royale, Kingdom of Heaven) and Naomi Watts (King Kong, Eastern Promises) have been cast as Vicki Vale and Talia al Ghul but it’s unknown who is playing who. The site is running this as a rumor at this point but seems possible as casting should be underway for it’s May production start.