Genre Flick News

Jonathan Nolan

SPECULATION: Could Christopher Nolan Reinvent 007 With BOND 26?

There’s nothing more that Christopher Nolan fans want than to see him tackle Bond.
He’s professed his love for the franchise over the years and has even met with producers in the past about helming one. Skyfall producer Gregg Wilson commented (via ThePlaylist) on the possibility of Christopher taking a shot at directing. Of course he seems optimistic and also a bit coy at the same time. Director Sam Mendes has stated he took direct influence from The Dark Knight for Skyfall. It’s safe to say that the Bond camp is very fond of Nolan and will try to work something out for the future.

More recently Nolan stated if he was to do it would make a Bond film he’d start fresh. Meaning, a new actor in the role so he can make his stamp on the franchise. Names such as Idris Elba, Michael Fassbender and Tom Hardy have been mentioned as potential new Bonds. All seem like actors that Nolan would be eager to work with. However, Daniel Craig over the summer re-signed with producers for Bond 24 and Bond 25. This would give Nolan time/breathing-room between the next two films to put together his vision for Bond 26. Not to mention directing a film or two of his own in the meantime.

Christopher Nolan Still Wants To Make A Bond Film

Now that The Dark Knight Rises is about to hit theaters next month, the big question is what’s next for Christopher Nolan? He had lined up a new Howard Hughes film but in an interview with Empire (via ThePlaylist) Chris states he has moved on. Another dream project he mentions is taking a shot at directing a Bond film sometime in the future. His previous film Inception was a giant love letter to Bond (within the science fiction genre) which took a lot of influence from the films.

This gives the impression like with Batman he could want to create his own Bond vision meaning a new actor taking on the role of Bond. We’ve been hearing rumors that actors such as Michael Fassbender and Idris Elba could be inline for the role next. However, if Nolan gets complete creative control over the film (extremely likely) he could cast actors he’s previously worked with such as Cillian Murphy or even Tom Hardy as 007. Daniel Craig seems up for another film but producers will be watching closely at the reviews and the box office on Skyfall to see if they need to get new blood in the role.

Another possible film is the long in-development adaptation of The Exec which is based on a comic It’s setup at Warner Bros. with Emma Thomas, David Heyman (Harry Potter Films) and Akiva Goldsman producing. The Exec seems like it could be our best chance for a semi-sequel to Inception as the main theme is greedy/violent corporations. Back in 2003 it had been reported by Variety that Jonathan Nolan was going to write with Chris directing. This project has been kicking around for almost ten years so it’s unlikely it will ever get made. The comic’s creator Doug Miers passed away in 2005 which might be the reason why it’s been stuck in development.

In this offbeat, irreverent tale, corporations have achieved the status of nations, and if you’re not tops in the boardroom, you’ll find yourself laid out on the coroner’s slab. In Comics Conspiracy’s The Exec, your income and assets are the only things keeping you alive — unless you remembered to pack your butcher knife or grenade launcher with your brown bag lunch.

Jack Pierce finds himself smack dab in the middle of this tongue-in-cheek look at the world of big business, but will this job give new meaning to being terminated?Welcome to the world of The Exec. When corporations achieve sovereignty, the term ‘Corporate Warfare’ takes on a whole new meaning. 

Executives are above the law and business decisions are accompanied by the sound of gunfire and explosions. Jack Pierce is a hotshot executive/executioner in a society where income level literally determines whether one is regarded as predator or prey.

Christian Bale Open To Making ‘BATMAN 4’ ?

Christopher Nolan has stated The Dark Knight Rises will be his last Batman film but will be the last one for Christian Bale? Bale gives the impression to Empire that he’s keeping an open mind on coming back if the right elements are in place. Those just happen to be a great script which would likely have to come from the Nolan camp.

“My understanding is that this is the last one. I think it’s appropriate, I think it’s going out at the right time. But…if Chris came to me with a script and said, ‘You know what? There is another story’ then I would love the challenge of making a fourth one work.”

While Christopher is indeed stepping away from the director’s chair he never said he’d stop writing the films with his brother Jonathan. If Nolan hand-picks the new director it could be worth making if the same team minus Chris came back. It’s very rare that a third installment in a franchise eclipses the first two films is if does there will be a massive demand from audiences and Warner Bros. for one movie. Bale is right, it would be a rather large uphill battle to make a fourth film just as good or even better.

Jonathan Nolan Might Rewrite Akira Script

Variety has expanded on their original tweet involving Warner Bros. looking to rewrite Steve Kloves’ (Harry Potter films) script for Akira. They mention that the studio is currently looking at Jonathan Nolan and Michael Green for the rewriting job. Nolan is the younger brother of Christopher Nolan and is responsible for helping him write films like Memento, The Prestige, The Dark Knight and the upcoming Dark Knight Rises. The former of which earned the screenwriter an Oscar nomination. Michael on the other hand is mostly known for television work and last summer’s biggest flop Green Lantern. He apparently was hired to write a sequel to Green Lantern (why?) and for an adaptation of The Flash. The Nolan name could bring some much needed pedigree to the ailing project. Which in turn could attract better known and established actors to the cast.

RUMOR: Joe Manganiello Frontrunner For Superman?

HeroComplex has tweeted that True Blood star Joe Manganiellois could be the frontrunner for Zack Snyder’s Superman: Man of Steel. Manganiello has previously stated that he’s tested for the role.

“Is “True Blood” werewolf star Joe Manganiello a frontrunner to play Superman? That’s the rumor du jour in Hollywood”