Genre Flick News

Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters




CAST EM’: Gemma Arterton As Whitney Frost In ‘IRON MAN 3’

So it looks like Jessica Chastain has pretty been offered the role of Maya Henson in Iron Man 3 as the character is apart of the Extremis comics which the film is based on. The studio has already had meetings with actresses Diane Kruger (Inglourious Basterds), Gemma Arterton and Isla Fisher (Burke And Hare, Wedding Crashers) for the part before Jessica came back into the picture. My hope is that there is more than just one new female role in this film. Considering we know that the film will have multiple villains as previously reported by the trades. Currently Ben Kingsley and Guy Pearce are in talks to talk two of these roles, unknown how large they will end up being. Rumblings that Ben could be playing The Mandarin while Guy is confirmed to be up for the role of Killian. A scientist that sells the nanobot-tech to terrorists.

Whitney Frost has been teased ever since the announcement of third installment. Emily Blunt had been rumored for the role but seems to have moved on from Marvel films. She recently signed on for the science fiction actioner All You Need Is Kill. Frost who is better known as Madame Masque has been both villain and lover to Tony Stark being as complex/conflicted as Loki. I’ve been quite critical that Marvel Studios has yet to include a female villain into the Marvel Universe. Frost could be at the very least a supporting villain that could develop into a main baddie for future films.

Gemma Arterton would be an excellent casting choice for the role of Whitney. She’s been able to raise the quality in mindless films like Quantum of Solace, Prince of Persia and Clash of The Titans so imagine what Gemma could do with a film from Shane Black. The British actress has been able to balance dramatic, comedy and action focused roles all seemingly needed for a Marvel Studios production. In the film The Disappearance of Alice Creed, Gemma showed off a tough-side that had previously been unseen. This led to a meeting with Ridley Scott for a possible part in Prometheus and a leading role alongside Jeremy “Hawkeye” Renner in Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters. Gemma seems like an actress perfect for the Marvel cinematic universe and Frost is just one solid character she could portray.

Tommy Wirkola To Direct ‘AFTERBURN’ Starring Gerard Butler

HeatVision reports that Norwegian writer/director Tommy Wirkola is now attached to the adaptation of the graphic novel Afterburn. Along with directing he would do some rewrites to the script. Gerard Butler is set to star with Neal H. Mortiz (Total Recall, 21 Jump Street) producing. Tommy had a great first outing with Dead Snow and has Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters is coming out in 2013. Some were worried about Witch Hunters being pushed back to 2013 but it sounds like waiting until the releases of Bourne Legacy and Avengers is a smart move.

“Set in a future where solar flares have left half the world a ravaged wasteland filled with mutants and pirates. Buried beneath the ash and rubble are priceless artifacts and some of the world’s most valuable works of art – for which wealthy Americans will pay any price. The story centers on a treasure hunter who leads his team into the quarantine zone, braving rival bounty hunters, rogue armies, pirate gangs and deadly mutants along the way.”

Doug Liman Gives An Update On All You Need Is Kill

While Warner Bros. still mulls over what to do with Akira they have another manga adaptation about to go into production. All You Need Is Kill should start shooting sometime this year with Tom Cruise attached to star. Director Doug Liman spoke to Collider about the project and gave an encouraging update that it could be next.

“I’m hoping it’s going to be a film called All You Need is Kill, for Warner Bros. with Tom Cruise. It’s just figuring out everyone’s schedules, and if we can, in fact, do it next.”

“Well, nothing I’ve done is like anything else I’ve done before, so that is one of my criteria. But, I just fell in love with the script. There is no other formula for me, in this business. If I’m not in love with the script, there’s nothing. It doesn’t matter what you give me. It has to start with the script. And, Dante Harper wrote a really cool script that’s unlike anything I’ve ever read. When you can come across a piece of material that’s totally original and fun and completely satisfying, you jump on it.”

Kill has had it’s problems in the past trying to nail down it’s lead. With Cruise now attached the film’s international appeal has gained tenfold and likely will be a priority at Warner Bros. From what I understand Tom’s next project will be Horizons, another exciting science fiction action film with equally interesting story concepts.

Hansel And Gretel Delayed Until 2013

While a majority of spring and summer films have had their trailers rolling out recently one of them has been absent. That project is the horror action comedy Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters that stars Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton. Multiple sources have confirmed that Paramount has pushed back the release date from March 2nd 2012 to January 11th 2013.

No reasons have been given for the move but a busy spring/summer release schedule could be the problem. 2012 is expected to be the year of the event film while 2013 isn’t overwhelmed with movies yet. Paramount might be conflicted with the film’s rating as January is a month known for R-rated genre films. Reshoots and beefing up special effects could also be a factor for the delay. We should expect a presence this summer at Comic-Con.

FIRST LOOK: Hansel And Gretel Witch Hunters

FIRST LOOK: Jeremy Renner & Gemma Arterton In Costume From Hansel & Gretel

Collider (via AccidentalSexiness) has the first look of the costumes worn by Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton in Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. It confirms that the retelling of the fairy tale will indeed be a period piece.

Peter Stormare Joins Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

Deadline reports that Swedish actor Peter Stormare has joined Tommy Wirkola’s (Dead Snow) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. Stormare is an amazing character actor with memorable roles in films like The Big Lebowski, Fargo, Jurassic Park: Lost World, Bad Boys 2, Constantine, Dancer In The Dark, Minority Report and 8MM. He also had a stint in the world of fairy tale based films with Terry Gilliam’s Brothers Grimm. Peter will play a villainous town sheriff named Berringer. The stellar cast already includes Jeremy Renner (Town, Hurt Locker), Gemma Arterton (Alice Creed, Quantum of Solace), Famke Janssen (Rounders, X-Men 1-3) and Ingrid Bolsø Berdal.

Ingrid Bolsø Berdal Joins Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

BloodyDisgusting reports that Norwegian actress Ingrid Bolsø Berdal (Cold Prey) has joined Tommy Wirkola’s (Dead Snow) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. Ingrid will play one of the witches who is a “superbad killing machine”. Famke Janssen will play the leader of the witches while Jeremy Renner is Hansel and Gemma Arterton is Gretel.

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters Set For Release In March 2012

Deadline reports that Paramount has announced the official release date of Tommy Wirkola’s (Dead Snow) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. It will hit theaters on March 2nd 2012 starring Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton and Famke Janssen. I’m beyond excited to see this project as it’s a very unique twist on the classic fairy tale. We see the children 15 years later now bounty hunters taking down the witches that tried to eat them.

Famke Janssen Joins Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

ThePlaylist has word that Famke Janssen has joined the action horror film Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton are starring in the title roles as the shotgun welding witch hunters. Famke best known as Jean Grey in the X-Men trilogy will play the leader of the witches according to Deadline who also picked up on the news. The film directed by Tommy Wirkola (Dead Snow) and written by D.W. Harper (All You Need Is Kill) is a violent reimgaining of the classic fairy tale with the children grown up.

Gemma Arterton To Play Gretel In Witch Hunters

HeatVision reports that Gemma Arterton has landed the role of Gretel in Tommy Wirkola’s (Dead Snow) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. Arterton beat out other high profile actresses such as Diane Kruger (Inglourious Basterds), Eva Green (Casino Royale) and Noomi Rapace (Dragon Tattoo, Sherlock Holmes 2). The film is expected to start production in Berlin on March 7th so it seems that Wrath of The Titans won’t start filming until that one is finished.

The R-rated horror action film will be produced by Will Farrell and Adam McKay (Step Brothers). It picks up with the fairy tale siblings years after the traumatic childhood incident has turned them into bounty hunters. Jeremy Renner has long been attached for the role of Hansel and he could end up shooting it between Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and Avengers.