Genre Flick News

Casting Suggestions

CAST EM’: Gemma Arterton As Whitney Frost In ‘IRON MAN 3’

So it looks like Jessica Chastain has pretty been offered the role of Maya Henson in Iron Man 3 as the character is apart of the Extremis comics which the film is based on. The studio has already had meetings with actresses Diane Kruger (Inglourious Basterds), Gemma Arterton and Isla Fisher (Burke And Hare, Wedding Crashers) for the part before Jessica came back into the picture. My hope is that there is more than just one new female role in this film. Considering we know that the film will have multiple villains as previously reported by the trades. Currently Ben Kingsley and Guy Pearce are in talks to talk two of these roles, unknown how large they will end up being. Rumblings that Ben could be playing The Mandarin while Guy is confirmed to be up for the role of Killian. A scientist that sells the nanobot-tech to terrorists.

Whitney Frost has been teased ever since the announcement of third installment. Emily Blunt had been rumored for the role but seems to have moved on from Marvel films. She recently signed on for the science fiction actioner All You Need Is Kill. Frost who is better known as Madame Masque has been both villain and lover to Tony Stark being as complex/conflicted as Loki. I’ve been quite critical that Marvel Studios has yet to include a female villain into the Marvel Universe. Frost could be at the very least a supporting villain that could develop into a main baddie for future films.

Gemma Arterton would be an excellent casting choice for the role of Whitney. She’s been able to raise the quality in mindless films like Quantum of Solace, Prince of Persia and Clash of The Titans so imagine what Gemma could do with a film from Shane Black. The British actress has been able to balance dramatic, comedy and action focused roles all seemingly needed for a Marvel Studios production. In the film The Disappearance of Alice Creed, Gemma showed off a tough-side that had previously been unseen. This led to a meeting with Ridley Scott for a possible part in Prometheus and a leading role alongside Jeremy “Hawkeye” Renner in Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters. Gemma seems like an actress perfect for the Marvel cinematic universe and Frost is just one solid character she could portray.

CAST EM’: Captain America 2

This week we got the official news that Marvel Studios is indeed moving forward with a Captain America sequel. Moving from script development to searching for directors which gives the impression that the studio is aiming to start production as soon as Thor 2 ends it’s shoot. Here are a couple actors I’d like to see considered for roles.

It’s unknown at this point if supporting characters like Nick Fury, Black Widow or Hawkeye will be major players in the Captain America 2. Since we’ve been hearing that fellow Avengers wouldn’t be showing up in future solo sequels. As Steve is now deeply involved with SHIELD it would make sense to agents return along with new ones. It’s also unknown where these WWII flashbacks will come in. They very well could explore another WWII era villain that leads to discovery of the Infinity Formula slowing down the aging of the Howling Commandos. Allowing the Howlers to also be in still around in present time now apart of SHIELD.

GILLIAN JACOBS AS SHARON CARTER: It was reported that Community directors the Russo brothers had been linked as possible candidates to helm the sequel. This lead me to believe that if hired they’d look to some of their Community cast members to fill roles. One actress that comes to mind is Gillian Jacobs for the role of Sharon Carter. Gillian has a striking resemblance to Hayley Atwell (Peggy Carter) in certain angles which would help feed into the idea that Peggy and Sharon are related. Jacobs was recently linked to the Evil Dead remake but ultimately passed on it. Some of her non-Community roles include Choke (directed by Clark Gregg), The Box, Seeking A Friend For The End of The World and Burt Wonderstone.

LAZ ALONSO AS FALCON: Laz seems like an actor that would be friends with Chris Evans which important for the role. I get the feeling that he’d make a great Falcon and if the studio ends up making a Falcon spin-off he might be able to handle his own franchise. Alonso co-starred with First Avenger actor Derek Luke (Gabe Jones) in the WWII film Miracle At St. Anna along with supporting roles in films like Avatar and Fast And Furious. He recently got a large amount of exposure from the series Breakout Kings.

ANDREA OSVART AS CONTESSA: This stunning Hungarian actress is slowly gathering some status with small roles in films like Spy Game, Casanova and Duplicity. Recently she landed a lead in the Transporter television series along with the Chilean earthquake horror flick Aftershock alongside Eli Roth. Andrea is able to speak/act in perfect Italian, Hungarian and English. Considering Contessa is an Italian SHIELD agent this seems like a solid casting choice.

SAM CLAFIN AS UNION JACK: Clafin is generally known for supporting roles in rather large event films. He previously took roles in films like Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides along with this summer’s Snow White And The Huntsman. Sam has a connection to First Avenger’s Hayley Atwell as the two starred in the mini-series The Pilliars of The Earth. I think he’d make a decent Joey Chapman who apparently moonlights as a race car driver when he’s not fighting terrorists.

RALPH FIENNES AS BARON STRUCKER: Ralph Fiennes has been long been a fan favorite for the role villain Baron Strucker. I feel like he could be equally as menacing as Hugo Weaving was as the Red Skull. Ralph is open to genre films starring in The Harry Potter Films, Wrath of The Titans, Skyfall, Red Dragon and Strange Days. He’s also known for strong dramatic performances in films like The Reader, Schindler’s List, The English Patient, End of The Affair, The Constant Gardener, Hurt Locker and Coriolanus. His pedigree as an actor makes him the best choice for role.

DANIEL BRUHL AS BARON ZEMO: The German actor has been very successful in his own country but hasn’t made that large of a splash in Hollywood. He started to get more of an English following in the last couple of years thanks to his role as Zoller in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourous Basterds. He’s able to play both sides of the coin similar to Tom Hiddleston (Loki). The comparison seems fair as Zemo was also a conflicted Avengers villain which could help setup the Avengers sequel.

BERENICE BEJO AS MADME HYDRA: Berenice showed off her skills as a psychical comedian in The Artist which means those skills could translate into action scenes. We haven’t heard much about the Argentinian/French actress getting offers for event films like this since her Oscar nomination. However, Marvel is usually the type of studio to wait until the Oscars to pursue actresses/actors for supporting roles. Berenice is able to speak three different languages including Spanish, French and English which could be a great asset for an agent of HYDRA.

CAST EM’: Captain America 2

Anthony Mackie As Falcon

Mads Mikkelsen As Baron Zemo

Andrea Osvárt (Casanova, Duplicity) As Madame Hydra/Viper

Ralph Finnes As Baron Von Strucker
Richard Madden (Game of Thrones) As Union Jack