Genre Flick News

Dark Horse Comics

Ron Perlman Talks Hellboy 3

Hellboy actor Ron Perlman spoke with Examiner about his current and upcoming projects. While Perlman seems uncertain of his role (confirmed by del Toro) in Guillmero del Toro’s At The Mountains of Madness he does speak enthusiastically about Hellboy 3. 

I hope there’s a third “Hellboy,” simply because he always thought of it as a trilogy. And when he set up that [Liz Sherman, Hellboy’s love interest] is pregnant with twins at the end of “Hellboy 2,” he kind of sketched out what the third “Hellboy” movie would look like. It’s so theatrical. It’s so epic. It’s so dark.

And also, we have to find out about the Hellboy destiny. It’s written in stone that he’s going to destroy mankind. That’s what he’s been brought to Earth to do. So the whole dialogue between nurture and nature gets to live itself out in the third “Hellboy” movie. But if there’s no third one, then the audience doesn’t get to see any of that.