Genre Flick News

Charlize Theron

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Joins ‘MAD MAX FURY ROAD’ Starring Tom Hardy And Charlize Theron

Deadline reports that British model turned actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (Transformers 3) will join the growing cast of Mad Max: Fury Road. George Miller’s reboot (possible new trilogy) of his beloved Mad Max franchise has Tom Hardy (Dark Knight Rises, Inception) in the lead with Charlize Theron, Patrick Stewart (X-Men 1-3), Nicholas Hoult (Giant Killer, X-Men First Class 1-2), Isabel Lucas (Red Dawn) and Abby Lee Kershaw in supporting roles.

SOURCE: Deadline

Chris Hemsworth Wants Charlize Theron To Play Enchantress

Charlize Theron is having a massive comeback as the Oscar winning actress received critical praise for her role in last year’s Young Adult. Along with commercial success thanks to Snow White And The Huntsman and this weekend’s Prometheus. Theron could have been in the mix for another big project if she wasn’t set to make Mad Max: Fury Road alongside Tom Hardy this summer. Her Huntsman co-star Chris Hemsworth was asked by MTV to comment on Enchantress in the sequel and the fan-casting of Charlize.

“I don’t know much at all but it sounds interesting,” Chris Hemsworth told MTV when asked for his thoughts on the recent Enchantress rumours. “I’m not playing the usual, sidestepping that we normally have to do, I haven’t read a script. They have a bunch of different ideas, but that sounds interesting.” After being told that his Snow White and the Huntsman co-star Charlize Theron is a fan favourite for the role, he said: “Oh right. Well she certainly plays a pretty intimidating villain, I think she’d be awesome but I think she’s tied up in 20 other films. I think she’s going on to ‘Mad Max’ next. [But] you never know. Fingers crossed!”

 It sounds like she would have had a decent shot if wasn’t for being busy this summer with Fury Road. Nothing is set in stone concerning Enchantress as the Asgardian hasn’t even been confirmed to be in the sequel. Marvel could hold off using Amora until they’re able to cast Theron in the third film. Having another Oscar winner among the cast couldn’t hurt. Considering that Thor 2 won’t be released until November 2013 they “could” shoot scenes later in the production. Hell, even a cameo could be awesome.

SPECULATION: Will A ‘PROMETHEUS’ Sequel Involve A Xenomorph Planet?

Prometheus is set to be released next Friday and we’re already hearing positive talk from the first screenings. Currently it’s one of the more anticipate films of the year and should bring in some decent box office numbers with it’s 3D ticket price boost. Originally the project had been envisioned by Ridley Scott and writer John Spaihts (who has been talking sequel during recent interviews) as a two-part Alien prequel. When Damon Lindelof signed on to join the writing process this talk was squashed. Fox went so far as to state the film was no longer a Alien prequel. We know for a fact that was just spin as the alien ship, space jockey and possibly the xenomorph/egg chamber will be revealed in Prometheus. Ridley has already started talking about another film and wants to make it after the Counselor even with Blade Runner 2 in the works. So what would happen in Prometheus 2 if Fox pursues a sequel?

WEYLAND COLONIZES PROTEUS (XENOMORPH PLANET): While Prometheus answers questions to Alien, a second film could explore what we didn’t see in Aliens. Mainly, the massive horde of aliens wiping out the colonists from Hadley’s Hope. Along with what would a massive xenomorph outbreak would look like. The Weyland Industries viral site has been going into a lot of detail of the world-building/terraforming aspects of the company. Prometheus will be more about the discovery of our origins and exploring the unknown rather than creating an empire spanning the universe. The sequel should take on the themes of colonizing the universe. It could also allow surviving cast members from the first film to possibly be involved such as David, Vickers or even Shaw. Weyland’s Colonial Marines should also play a large role here as it gives Ridley a chance to play with the war mongering themes of the franchise. As the xenomorphs are wanted for the company’s weapons program which could lead to military experiments on Proteus spearheaded by Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce).

Proteus also known as Xenomorph Prime has been established as the home planet of the aliens. The xenomorph homeworld is a hostile planet much like LV-426, it boasts a cold and harsh climate that is rife with volcanoes and turbulent wind storms. According to one theory, the planet is not the actual source of the xenomorph species, but was used as a storage house by the Space Jockeys to contain and breed them. Weaver/Ridley had mentioned this planet as a possible setting for Alien 5 before the project was axed and Prometheus went into development.

One theory has it that the Space Jockeys were the original victims of the xenomorphs. Another has it that they were in fact their creators. The second theory is far more detailed and shows up in various sources. Apparently, the Space Jockeys (or Mala’kak) bred the xenomorphs for use a civil war that was raging millions of years ago. This would certainly explain why the xenomorphs are so hostile, so adaptive, and proliferate so quickly. Ultimately, the xenomorphs turned on their creators and caused their extinction, and live on as weapons leftover from a forgotten war. It’s possible the Jockeys in Prometheus intend to use this weapon (the ship filled with xenomorph eggs) against Earth because humans have become too advanced of a species and are now a threat to the universe.

Which Actress Could Land The Lead In ‘BLADE RUNNER 2’ ?

Ridley Scott has confirmed that Blade Runner 2 is a sequel and it’s lead will be female. The question now is who will end up taking that role? Noomi Rapace and even possibly Charlize Theron could be returning for a Prometheus sequel which will end up shooting before this film. It’s likely that neither Noomi or Charlize will end up landing the lead, theres nothing to say they won’t get supporting or villainous roles. A bunch of actresses tested for Prometheus but didn’t land the role. I get the impression these ladies could end up in the running for female lead in Blade Runner 2.

NATALIE PORTMAN: The Oscar winning actress (Black Swan) was one the more high profiled actresses originally in the mix for the lead in Prometheus. Recently she was attached to science fiction films Jupiter Ascending (from The Wachowskis) and tested for Alfonso Cuarón’s (Children of Men) Gravity. She’s had commercial successes with the Star Wars prequel and now with the Thor franchise. Let’s not forget her equally interesting genre credits in films like V For Vendetta, The Professional and Heat.

GEMMA ARTERTON: The British actress also caught the attention of Ridley during the casting process for Prometheus. The director was impressed with her performance in the thriller The Disappearance Of Alice Creed which led to a meeting and testing for the film. Arterton ultimately didn’t get the role but is obviously on Ridley’s radar now. Most of her supporting roles in films like Clash of The Titans, Quantum of Solace and Prince of Persia didn’t seem to help her career. As those films were considered terrible or average at best. Yet, upcoming films like the vampire thriller Byzantium and the fairytale action/comedy Hansel And Gretel: Vampire Hunters should give her the boost she would need to complete for a role like this.

ANNE HATHAWAY: You might not consider this actress as someone who can handle action scenes but after The Dark Knight Rises that opinion will change. Anne has proven so far that she’s a dedicated actor and can deliver strong performances which earned her an Oscar nomination (Rachel Getting Married) previously. She was also in the running for Prometheus but luckily ended up with the role of Selina Kyle/Catwoman instead. Depending on how her Catwoman role goes over with audiences expect her to be in the running for more action oriented projects.

CAREY MULLIGAN: Like Hathaway, Carey is a dedicated actress who has also earned her own Oscar nomination for An Education. She recently developed more of a cult following thanks in part to roles in last year’s Drive and Shame. Her next film The Great Gatsby could end up a rather large Oscar contender if it’s decent at all. Mulligan’s lesser recognized role in the science fiction romantic drama Never Let Me Go had similar themes to Blade Runner. As the “borrowed time” and “manufactured people” aspects are shared in both films. While I can’t see her as a hard boiled Blade Runner, an innocent replicant on the run seems like a more excellent casting idea.

KEIRA KNIGHTLEY: Knightley who co-starred with Mulligan in Never Let Me Go was rumored to be involved with the casting for Prometheus too. The actress has kept quiet mostly with her recent projects London Boulevard and the comedy Seeking A Friend For The End of The World. Compared to her previous work with blockbuster projects like Pirates of The Caribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl, Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Pirates of The Caribbean: World’s End and King Arthur. In the couple of years she did test for Captain America and The Dark Knight Rises which means she’s looking for the right big film to do. Meanwhile Keira takes on roles that help her stock as an actress with projects like Atonement, A Dangerous Method, The Duchess, Edge of Love and the upcoming Joe Wright film Anna Kendrick. The latter could end up earning her second Oscar nomination after Pride And Prejudice.

OLIVIA WILDE: Wilde has to be one of the most promising actresses working today. She’s been mostly in small supporting roles for films like Tron Legacy and Cowboys And Aliens. Given the right part she could explode as she’s gorgeous on screen with an energy/fast-paced delivery that could be perfect for this sci-fi noir action thriller. Olivia was also in the running for the lead in Prometheus.


SCARLETT JOHANSSON: Her role in Avengers will likely boost her box office appeal to both domestic and international audiences. A fear that plagued the casting of Noomi Rapace in Prometheus because she wasn’t a known actress at the time. Scarlett’s also been jumping onto a lot of more dramatic roles with projects Hitchcock and Don Juan. Of course the young actress has the action backgrounded needed for the part as well with a massive amount of time dedicated for fight/stunt training for both Iron Man 2 and The Avengers. Johansson’s upcoming film Under The Skin is an science fiction thriller which she plays an alien picking off humans. She was also in the running for Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity before Sandra Bullock was locked in. I personally think she could be rather convincing heroine in a science fiction film like this. You might also believe that she could kick your ass if need be, unlike most actresses who look like they could barely lift a weight.

‘PROMETHEUS’ Officially Will Be Rated R

Collider has confirmation that Prometheus will indeed be Rated R. It was rumored that 20th Century Fox was trying to cut the film for a PG-13 rating, to boost profits. This seemed like rubbish since all four of the original Alien films had been R, even AVP’s PG-13 rating earned the studio massive backlash. Fox’s Tom Rothman revealed that they would release the film Ridley (Scott said his director’s cut was the one being released) made and not cut it for a rating.

While not all the Alien films have knocked it out of the park at the box office they’ve all done extremely well on home video. Prometheus is one of the most anticipated films of the year and while it’s rating could hold back a few numbers it should do very well anyways. The buzz is high and Ridley has a rather large following thanks to early films like Alien and Blade Runner.

Charlize Theron And Director Rupert Wyatt Return To Sci-Fi With ‘AGENT 13’

Variety reports on yet another budding project for Planet Of The Apes director Rupert Wyatt. The project titled Agent 13 has zero details known besides that it’s a science fiction film from screenwriter T.S. Nowlin. Charlize Theron who is recently embracing genre films with Snow White And The Huntsman and Prometheus is attached to star. Currently the project is being shopped to studios that include 20th Century Fox, Sony, WB/Legendary, Paramount and Universal. My gut feeling is this will end up with Fox considering their relationship with both director and actress.


Awesome French Poster For ‘SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN’

New Stills And Ship Interior Images From ‘PROMETHEUS’

New Prometheus Images From Empire

New Prometheus Trailer Reveals The Story

Screen Grabs From Prometheus Trailer Reveal Derelict Ship And Space Jockey

New Images From Prometheus Trailer Preview

Teaser For The New Prometheus Trailer

New Prometheus Images, First Good Look At The Cast

If Prometheus Performs Well There Could Be Sequels

When the Alien Prequel was originally announced it was pitched as a two part project. Later on when Damon Lindelof signed on for rewrites the film’s connection to the franchise was almost severed. Leaving a few bits of franchise DNA in the newly titled Prometheus which seemed it would focus more on the origins of the company and the space jockey. Along with being very android focused perhaps telling the story from the prospective of David (Fassbender). There is now word from HollywoodReporter that if Prometheus does well at the box office which is very likely Fox will pursue more installments.

His directing wishes could be altered by how well his sci-fi epic Prometheus, which stars Charlize Theron and Noomi Rapace and opens June 8, 2012, performs at the box office. Insiders at Fox say the studio is already exploring sequel options

It was stated that this film would be set thirty years before the events of Alien so there is a little wiggle room for more movies in the Alien universe. It’s unknown how many if any crew members will come out of the film alive to reprise their roles. I believe it’s box office success might end up coming down to it’s rating while an R rating will appease fans of the franchise in the minds of the studio. A PG-13 rating is domestic gold and helps sell the movie overseas. However, all four of the original films were rated R and have been nothing but profitable for Fox. The Matrix trilogy being one the biggest successful R rated franchise it might be hard to get those kind of numbers.

Ridley also was expecting to make a bunch of sequels for Robin Hood before the Universal Pictures project went over budget and did very poorly at the box office. The film was an origin story rebooting the legend of Robin Hood which was setting up sequels along the way. Scott might be itching for franchise security since he’s never really done one besides creating the Alien franchise. Only to hand it off to directors like James Cameron and newcomer David Fincher which cemented both of their careers. When he visited the set of Avatar it was said he felt the gauntlet was thrown down by Cameron. It’s unknown if Ridley will return to the director’s chair as he has many projects in development which includes a new Blade Runner film currently in the script phase.

My take is that I believe this world is rich enough to explore a lot of different avenues and I believe there are many stories that could be tapped in new films. Maybe developing the origins/exploring off-world colonies and even the united systems military. I feel the space marines are an important aspect of the franchise since they’re eventually an arm of the company. It could be interesting to see Fox focus a movie on them establishing the bug-stompers. It was hinted in Aliens they’ve been up against similar hostile organisms before. While xenomorphs are tempting I wouldn’t mind seeing other creatures or threats. Of course a completely new take could be just as exciting.


Snow White And The Huntsman Trailer

Promo Art For Snow White & The Huntsman

Here is a piece of promo art for Rupert Sander’s Snow White And The Huntsman. Rupert’s version is dark/gritty and has been attributed to the fantasy-style of Lord of The Rings. It’s impressive cast includes Kristen Stewart, Chris Hemsworth (Thor, Avengers, Red Dawn), Charlize Theron (Prometheus, Fury Road), Sam Claflin (Pirates 4), Noah Huntley, Nick Frost (Hot Fuzz, Attack The Block), Ray Winstone, Ian McShane (Deadwood), Bob Hoskins (Hook), Toby Jones (Captain America), Eddie Marsan (Sherlock Holmes, Jack The Giant Killer) and Steven Graham (Snatch, Boardwalk Empire).

SPOILERS: Ridley Scott Talks Prometheus

I’ve used the heading SPOILERS to point out this whole article could ruin Prometheus if you read it so you’ve been warned. Ridley Scott while speaking with The Wallstreet Journal’s blog Speakeasy he gave a small tidbits of details on Prometheus. Confirming that the Alien DNA is in the film stating “The last eight minutes of the “Prometheus” story evolve into “a pretty good DNA of the ‘Alien’ one”.

This news leads me to believe there is a possiblity that Ridley and Fox could be considering a sequel which had been in the original plan. While setting up the alien world with Prometheus the next installment very well could end up being the Alien prequel that was originally intended. When the Alien prequel was originally announced there had been plans for two movies that would explain where the eggs, ship and Space Jockey came from. It’s unknown how much of Prometheus will actually explain if anything of the mythology/origin of the aliens. I wouldn’t be shocked if the film ended with a cliff hanger leading into the second film, if that plan still exists.

I had my doubts how they could make one origin story into two movies but establishing the human world, androids, the company’s motives and colonies would be the first step, the second explaining the origins of the aliens. This of course is all speculation but it’s going to be a massive treat for Alien fans like myself it does turn out this way. There has also been talk that Prometheus very well could be told from the prospective of David (Fassbender), one of the androids in the film.

Director Patty Jenkins Confirmed For Thor 2, Release Date Moved

Deadline has the official press release from Marvel Studios announcing that Monster director Patty Jenkins has been hired to make Thor 2. The sequel had just been pushed back to November 15th 2013 so Disney could fit The Lone Ranger into their summer lineup. Hopefully this could mean a bigger spectacle with an extra four months to complete post-production special effects. While Kenneth Branagh won’t be directing he is still producing the film and likely contributing from the sidelines. Jenkins is the second female director to make a Marvel film and is an excellent choice in my opinion. It’s expected that the original cast will return along with talk of expanding the cast of Asgardians.

I’d like to see Patty cast Swedish actor Joel Kinnaman (Snabba Cash 1-2, Dragon Tattoo, Safe House, Darkest Hour) in a role. She previously worked with Joel when Jenkins directed the pilot episode of The Killing which earned her an Emmey nomination. Joel was one of the finalists for the role of Thor that included Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. Hiddleston ended up landing the meatier role of Loki and is one of the best aspects of current run of Marvel films. It could be interesting to see Kinnaman in the role of Balder or one of the villains such as such as Malekith. Marvel might to move quickly before he gets cast in Steven Soderbergh’s budding spy franchise The Man From UNCLE.

Another possibility is that Charlize Theron might re-team with Patty who helped earn her Best Actress Oscar for Monster. Theron is looking to make a powerful comeback after a batch sluggish films with roles in Jason Reitman’s Young Adult, Ridley Scott’s Prometheus and George Miller’s Max Mad Fury Road. Not to mention starring alongside Thor himself Chris Hemsworth in Snow White And The Huntsman. I think she’d be great for Amora The Enchantress , Brunnhilde The Valkyrie or the villain Hela.

The only problem is that Fury Road is expected to start production in March and there are rumors of a sequel being at the same time.  That’s of course if she can work it into her busy production for Mad Max. However, with the new release date and a spring production start Marvel would have plenty of time to accommodate Theron’s other commitments.

Ben Foster Joins Prometheus, Patrick Wilson & Guy Pearce Confirmed

JoBlo reported back in July that Ben Foster (Messenger, Mechanic, Pandorum) had joined Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. Along with that older news, rumored additions Guy Pearce (Memento) and Patrick Wilson (Watchmen) have been confirmed for the film.

Trailer For Diablo Cody/Jason Reitman’s Young Adult

Sam Claflin Joins Snow White & The Huntsman, Offer Out To Chris Hemsworth

Deadline reports that Sam Claflin (Pirates 4) has landed the role of the prince in Snow White & The Huntsman. Chris Hemsworth (Red Dawn, Thor, Cabin In The Woods) has been offered the role of the huntsman. It’s been difficult for the studio to find someone for the role as Johnny Depp, Tom Hardy, Viggo Mortensen and Hugh Jackman were linked but never signed on. Kristen Stewart is confirmed as Snow White while Charlize Theron is attached to play the evil Queen.

Benedict Wong & Emun Elliot Join Ridley Scott’s Prometheus

AlienPrequelNews is reporting that Benedict Wong (Moon, Sunshine) and Emun Elliot have joined Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. Wong has Tweeted confirmation of his involvement but there isn’t confirmation about Ellliot. It seems like the two could be playing crew members on the ship.

They join an impressive cast that includes Noomi Rapace (Dragon Tattoo, Sherlock Holmes 2), Michael Fassbender (Inglourious Basterds, 300, X-Men First Class), Charlize Theron, Idris Elba (Thor, The Wire, RockNRolla), Rafe Spall (Green Street Hooligans, A Good Year, Hot Fuzz), Sean Harris (Harry Brown, Red Riding Trilogy), Logan Marshall-Green and Kate Dickie