Genre Flick News

Will Beall

RUMOR: Rebooted Batman And Lobo To Be Featured In JUSTICE LEAGUE?

CBM is reporting that Warner Bros. is currently bouncing around the idea of bringing in Lobo into the the Justice League film. While nothing is confirmed Dwayne Johnson has been closely in talks with director Brad Peyton and producer Joel Silver for the solo movie. It’s unknown if they’d have Lobo join the team or end up a villain.

On another note there are rumblings we won’t have to wait long to see the rebooted Batman. BatmanOnFilm says that WB is looking to first introduce this new take on Batman in the Justice League film and then a new franchise.

“Said [Batman] reboot will come after the JL film, not before. Therefore, the new cinematic Batman will be introduced in the JL film as opposed to a solo film. This would, according to my industry “FOBOF,” assure the new Batman film series will be part of a “DC Cinematic Universe.”


Warner Bros. is feeling the sting of a missed opportunity as Avengers is now the #3 domestic and worldwide box office record holder. ShowBlitz reports that the studio has now hired Will Beall (Gangster Squad) to pen a script for Justice League. While it’s interesting they’ll finally be moving forward, it doesn’t seem as inspired as they haven’t really introduced the rest of the main lineup yet. If DC Entertainment plans on competing with Avengers they’ll have to hire a rather talented writer/director with a massive vision or it will bomb twice as much as Green Lantern did.

Warner Bros. Adds Another Writer To Logan’s Run

HeatVision reports that Warner Bros. has hired yet another writer to tinker with the Logan’s Run script. Andrew Baldwin has been set to give his contribution previously writers Alex Garland (28 Days Later, Sunshine) and Will Beall (Gangster Squad) had worked on it. Baldwin recently sold the Yakuza film The Outsider to the studio and wrote Red Asphalt for Timur Bekmembatov (Wanted, Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter).

The film starring Ryan Gosling has also gone through a few different directors. It first started out with Bryan Singer (X-Men) then went to James McTiegue (V For Vendetta) later to Carl Erik Rinsch (47 Ronin) and finally to Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, Bronson, Pusher).

Will Beall In Talks To Rework Logan’s Run Script

HeatVision reports Warner Bros. is talks with new screenwriter Will Beall to rework Alex Garland’s Logan’s Run script. Beall wrote Gangster Squad for the studio which is quickly becoming a very large project. Currently Nicolas Winding Refn is set to direct with Ryan Gosling in lead.