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Union Jack


We’ve already been given hints that Captain America 2 will likely include Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Maria Hill as supporting characters. However, I feel like we could see a couple more staple characters from the Cap comics join the ranks of SHIELD possibly creating a new unit The Invaders. Not to mention some iconic villains that were supposed to be included in First Avenger. Those villains may or may not end up as wranglers of Winter Soldier.







Rundown Of Possible Villains And Allies For Captain America 2

Marvel Studios is currently on a search to find a director to helm Captain America 2. As ten names are in the running but only four of those have been revealed. Kevin Feige, Chris Evans and the writers have stated that the sequel could be set in the present and may also include WWII flashbacks. There have been hints to what villains we can expect for the second installment but it’s sort up in the air when it comes supporting heroes. Director Joe Johnston mentioned that Marvel could be saving Winter Soldier for his own spin-off, so he could be excluded until that happens. I’ve come up with some ideas of what the new additions should be along with previous hints to who the villains could be. I’m hoping that Marvel is smart enough to hold off bringing back Red Skull and Zola until later on in the franchise.


SHARON CARTER: The niece (grand niece more likely) of Peggy Carter, Sharon was inspired by the WWII adventures of her Aunt Peggy alongside Captain America. This lead her decide to follow a similar path into the military eventually becoming an elite SHIELD Agent. While nothing has been confirmed there is speculation that Amanda Righetti was playing this character at the end of The First Avenger. I’m sure this will be cleared up in Avengers if not there is still hope that Sharon Carter will indeed end up Cap’s new love interest. Perhaps also helping fill in the blanks of what happened to Peggy.

FALCON: Sam Wilson better known as The Falcon was a protege of sorts of Cap and the two had series of team-up comics. If Cap assembles a present time team I would expect Marvel to include one of Steve’s best friends. I’m not sure if his costume from the comics would translate well but it could be interesting to see him re-imagined as a fighter pilot/SHIElD Agent. I could see the sequel becoming a buddy superhero film if Falcon does show up.

CONTESSA: The SHIELD agent was one of the few actual female characters without powers in the Marvel universe that’s been able to stick around for decades. Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine would eventually exit SHIELD to become the new Madame Hydra replacing Viper. It would be interesting to see one of these agents turn out to be a sleeper for HYDRA or to for her to just switch sides over jealously or money. One of my biggest problems with the Marvel films is that they rarely have more than one female heroine in their films. Avengers is going to up that with Maria Hill and Black Widow in the same movie but it’s unknown how much “action” Hill will actually see. This is another character that Amanda Righetti could have playing at the end of First Avenger.

UNION JACK: Joey Chapman is the current iteration of the British legacy hero Union Jack. Joey got his own Easter Egg in Iron Man 2 as one of the drivers listed in the race, so Marvel has established he exists in the film universe. The masked hero wears a bulletproof costume, is a knife/sword expert along with exceptional training in martial arts and other weapons (guns ect). James Montgomery Falsworth of the Howling Commandos played by JJ Field was also a shout-out to Union Jack in the First Avenger. Falsworth and his family took up the Union Jack persona before passing it down to Chapman. Union Jack is also a member of The Invaders and if we don’t see the return of Howling Commandos in present time (ala Infinity Formula) the Invaders could be a great replacement team name.


BARON ZEMO: Zemo had been rumored since the casting of First Avenger and it was revealed by the screenwriters that he indeed was in early drafts of the script. Zemo is easily Cap’s second most popular villain and needs to be front and center if he is used. If he ends up in the sequel he’s costume will need some remodeling and I doubt an actor will be hidden by a mask for the whole film.

BARON STRUCKER: Strucker has a rather large presence as the contemporary head of HYDRA being it’s leader continuing the villainous terrorist group started by the Red Skull. We could see HYDRA becoming a world threat again with the classic green uniforms finally being used. I have to believe that both Strucker and Madame Hydra are strong candidates because they’ve been used in the Super Soldier video game and the current Avengers cartoon from Disney. Baron Strucker was also in the early drafts of the First Avenger script but was ultimately removed.

MADAME HYDRA: Madame Hydra is Strucker’s second in command and the leader of the HYDRA sub-group The Serpent Seven. The role has been filled by many different women including Viper and former SHIELD agent Contessa Valentina Allegro De Fontaine. It could be an interesting to see SHIELD infiltrated by HYDRA having them trying to take the group down by covert methods.

A.I.M.: Writers Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus have mentioned their affection for Modok who is the leader of the arms dealing terrorist group A.I.M. They even stated they wanted to include Modok in a sequel having Peter Dinklage (Games of Thrones) in the role. A.I.M. could just as easily fit in Iron Man 3 depending on the direction Marvel is going for with that. If Modok does end up in the film they’d have to make him a lot more realistic to be taken seriously as a villan.

Fan Made Nick Fury Poster

Bond Inspired Fan Poster For SHIELD Movie

Marvel Studios Moving Forward With Captain America 2?

We recently heard news on movement on Iron Man 3 with Shane Black meeting with Marvel Studios. Now there is word from LatinoReview that Marvel is already working on Captain America 2. They’ve hired screenwriters Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus who worked on First Avenger. It’s expected that the sequel would be set during present time and after the events of Avengers.

There are plenty of characters and villains to be explored in future films now that HYDRA will be established in First Avenger. This could be an excellent film to introduce Cap stables like Winter Soldier (Bucky), Union Jack (modern), Baron Zemo, Crossbones, Viper/Madame Hydra and Baron von Strucker. It would also be a great opportunity to bring in Sharon Carter and Falcon into the mix.

I wouldn’t be shocked to see the SHIELD/Nicky Fury film end up being combined into the Captain America sequel and to be honest I think it would end up a stronger movie.

FIRST LOOK: J.J. Feild As Union Jack

Marvel/Paramount have released high-rez photos from Captain America. In the background in one of them is clearly J.J. Feild as Montgomery Falsworth/Union Jack. There has been talk that the Invaders would be incorporated into the Howling Commandos and Jack would be one of them. 

J.J. Feild Confirmed For Union Jack

ComicBookMovie was able to get a hold of copy of a call sheet for a Captain America scene. The sheet confirms actor J.J. Feild (Centurion) is playing Falsworth better known as Union Jack. It’s expected Falsworth could be involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers movies. There has also been rumors of WWII set spin-off films I wouldn’t be surprised to see an Invaders or Union Jack film in the future.

RUMOR: JJ Field Playing Union Jack In Captin America?

There are online rumors that British actor JJ Field (Centurion) could be playing the role of Union Jack in the upcoming Captain America. It would make sense that the character would be involved since the inclusion of The Invaders. Yet there is zero sources to back up this rumor.

What’s Next For Marvel Studios?

Now that Marvel Studios has creative and financial backing from The Walt Disney Company. We could see the studio moving on more productions in the upcoming years. The amount of lesser known characters coming to the screen could increase in the future. Below are a few characters that Marvel Studios could end up developing into feature films. With their bloated lineup of Thor, Captain America and Avengers. They don’t seem to be slowing down productions anytime soon. There is already rumored development on Iron Man 3, Hulk 2 and Nick Fury.

WAR MACHINE: Don Cheadle is more than likely returning in both Avengers and Iron Man 3. This could also mean Marvel Studios has promised Cheadle his own solo movie. Marvel has a great franchise in the Iron Man films so I could see War Machine being one of the major spin-offs.

BLACK WIDOW: Scarlett Johannson is already playing Natasha and could appear in a few other Marvel films before getting her own movie. Anytime you have a spy character in the Marvel universe it opens a lot of doors for other characters and villains to be showcased.

UNION JACK: A British character from the Marvel Universe who could make for an interesting straight up action film. The original Union Jack was a ally/partner of Captain American during WWII. The introduction of Union Jack could be in Captain America and then have the title passed down to the current Union Jack. I could see Daniel Craig in this role, he had been rumored for Thor at one point. Having Craig star and Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass) directing could be a great combination. Vaughn was previously attached to both X3 and Thor.

Daniel Craig as Union Jack

SHE-HULK: Jennifer Walters the cousin of Bruce Banner, is a lawyer who is also turned into a green hulk after exposure to gamma. A strong female superhero that could be perfect for adaptation. There could even be an introduction to Jennifer in Avengers or Hulk 2.

Rachel McAdams (Sherlock Holmes) as Jennifer Walters

/ARACHNE: I’m not sure if this character conflicts with Sony’s rights to Spider-Man, but it would make for an interesting action film. The story of Jessica Drew an ex-assassin for Hydra, who eventually joins S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers. Emily Blunt could be a good fit for the role. It would also make sense since Marvel was interested in her for Iron Man 2. She would test screen for Black Widow but had to decline the offer, because of her contract with 20th Century Fox.

Emily Blunt (Sunshine Cleaning) as Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman/Arachne

HAWKEYE: A rumored addition to Iron Man 2 and eventual member of the Avengers. The lesser known archer is a prime candidate to get his own movie. Like War Machine and Black Widow, the character is a strong supporting character with a great backstory.

Bradley Cooper as Clint Barton aka Hawkeye/Ronin