Genre Flick News

Travis Beacham

Guillermo Del Toro Talks PACIFIC RIM Sequel And HEAVEN SENT

Collider was able to speak with Guillermo del Toro about the development on a sequel for Pacific Rim. The film pits humans piloting large robots against giant monsters. Warner Bros. apparently is eyeing the project as a budding-franchise. Guillermo revealing he’s already working on ideas with screenwriter Travis Beacham for sequels. He mentions it won’t be next as he has other projects about to start up. He also talked to MTV confirming early talks with the studio to make the DC Comics occult team-up film Heaven Sent.

“We certainly started tossing ideas for possibilities of a sequel and Travis Beacham and I are writing a proposal of ideas, but at the same time I know I don’t want to do that next. I want to do something else, I want to do something in a different genre that’s not so big. So I don’t know yet what it’s gonna be, but I know that next year I’m delivering Pacific Rim in July and then I’m doing—God willing—the voice shooting for Pinocchio and then the pilot for The Strain for FX.”

“When somebody asked me about “Justice League”… I’m not involved in “Justice League.” I am discussing… I’ve been discussing with the fans and I’ve been very, very open about how much “Swamp Thing” was key when I was a kid. Comics in Mexico came on the first two days of the week. Around Tuesday and Wednesday I would go to the newsstand on my bicycle and I would get “Swamp Thing” every time it was available and I loved Jack Kirby’s “Demon”. I love Constantine and all that.”

FIRST LOOK: Idris Elba In Guillermo del Toro’s ‘PACIFIC RIM’

Tarsem Singh Will Direct Killing On Carnival Row

Director Tarsem Singh (The Fall, Immortals) might be catching a lot of ridicule for his Snow White family comedy Mirror Mirror but he’s moving on to his next project already. Deadline reports that Tarsem will direct Killing On Carnival Row that takes place in the future in a city called the Burgue, which looks a lot like 18th Century London. It is inhabited by humans and other creatures, and a serial killer is on the loose. It sounds like a futuristic take on the Jack The Ripper story which is sort of interesting. Travis Beacham wrote the film’s script who is getting a lot of heat previously writing Clash of The Titans, Pacific Rim along with remakes of Black Hole and 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.

Ron Perlman Joins Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim

Director Guillermo del Toro (Pan’s Labryinth) confirmed to Wired that Ron Perlman (Drive, Enemy At The Gates) has been added to the cast of his giant monster/robot mash-up Pacific Rim. Perlman has previously worked with Guillermo on Hellboy 1-2, Blade 2, Cronos, and was going to have a role in the canceled At The Mountains of Madness. The film stars Ron’s Sons of Anarchy co-star Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba (Luther, Thor, Wire, Prometheus) and Charlie Day (Horrible Bosses). The epic monster sci-fi flick will be released on May 10th 2013.

“We are working with actors that I absolutely adore,” he continues. “Idris Elba, Charlie Day, Charlie Hunnam, Ron Perlman. It’s really, it’s a very, very beautiful poem to giant monsters. Giant monsters versus giant robots. Twenty-five-story-high robots beating the crap out of 25-story-high monsters. We’re trying to create a world in which the characters are real and how it would affect our world politically, how it would affect the landscape if creatures like this really came out of the sea, etc.”

Warner Bros. Looking For Writers To Script Man Of Steel Sequel?

ThinkMcFlyThink reports that Warner Bros. is moving forward with a sequel to Man of Steel the Superman reboot from director Zack Snyder (Watchmen, 300). The studio is currently looking at writers to pen a script for the sequel.

The writers in question include Steve Kloves (Akira, Amazing Spider-Man, Harry Potter Series), Travis Beacham (Pacific Rim, Clash of The Titans) and Lawrence Kasdan (Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of The Lost Ark, Paradise Lost).

While I don’t know all the legality of the Superman rights dispute the studio could lose the film rights if they don’t keep making films. I’m sure they are happy with what Snyder and the excellent cast are delivering but I feel this could be just a way for the studio to keep their lawyers happy. That’s of course this is even true as this very well could be just a rumor.

Charlie Hunnam Could Star In Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim

HeatVision reports that Charlie Hunnam (Green Street Hooligans, Children of Men, SOA) is in talks for the lead role in Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim. The film that starts production this summer/fall focuses on a group of humans who pilot giant robots to fight massive monsters that appear out of the Pacific Ocean.

Guillermo del Toro Will Make Pacific Rim For Legendary Pictures

Deadline was able to have a Q&A with Guillermo del Toro about the whole Universal/Mountains sitution. He would have to wait a while before Universal would release the project so it can be offered to other studios. This is why he’s committed to shooting Pacific Rim for Legendary Pictures which he’s been quietly developing on his own. Rim will start shooting in September with a summer 2013 release date.

Set in a future in which malevolent creatures threaten the earth, the planet must band together and use highly advanced technology to eradicate the growing menace. Legendary Pictures bought the pitch from Clash of The Titans writer Travis Beacham.

“I can only say I was very happy to be able to develop it under the radar in many ways. People got it confused with the Godzilla movie a few months ago but we cleared that up. I can say the scope and imagination that have been outlined in it are absolutely appealing to me. I cannot say more, it’s not the time.”