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What’s Next For Marvel Studios?

Now that Marvel Studios has creative and financial backing from The Walt Disney Company. We could see the studio moving on more productions in the upcoming years. The amount of lesser known characters coming to the screen could increase in the future. Below are a few characters that Marvel Studios could end up developing into feature films. With their bloated lineup of Thor, Captain America and Avengers. They don’t seem to be slowing down productions anytime soon. There is already rumored development on Iron Man 3, Hulk 2 and Nick Fury.

WAR MACHINE: Don Cheadle is more than likely returning in both Avengers and Iron Man 3. This could also mean Marvel Studios has promised Cheadle his own solo movie. Marvel has a great franchise in the Iron Man films so I could see War Machine being one of the major spin-offs.

BLACK WIDOW: Scarlett Johannson is already playing Natasha and could appear in a few other Marvel films before getting her own movie. Anytime you have a spy character in the Marvel universe it opens a lot of doors for other characters and villains to be showcased.

UNION JACK: A British character from the Marvel Universe who could make for an interesting straight up action film. The original Union Jack was a ally/partner of Captain American during WWII. The introduction of Union Jack could be in Captain America and then have the title passed down to the current Union Jack. I could see Daniel Craig in this role, he had been rumored for Thor at one point. Having Craig star and Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass) directing could be a great combination. Vaughn was previously attached to both X3 and Thor.

Daniel Craig as Union Jack

SHE-HULK: Jennifer Walters the cousin of Bruce Banner, is a lawyer who is also turned into a green hulk after exposure to gamma. A strong female superhero that could be perfect for adaptation. There could even be an introduction to Jennifer in Avengers or Hulk 2.

Rachel McAdams (Sherlock Holmes) as Jennifer Walters

/ARACHNE: I’m not sure if this character conflicts with Sony’s rights to Spider-Man, but it would make for an interesting action film. The story of Jessica Drew an ex-assassin for Hydra, who eventually joins S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers. Emily Blunt could be a good fit for the role. It would also make sense since Marvel was interested in her for Iron Man 2. She would test screen for Black Widow but had to decline the offer, because of her contract with 20th Century Fox.

Emily Blunt (Sunshine Cleaning) as Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman/Arachne

HAWKEYE: A rumored addition to Iron Man 2 and eventual member of the Avengers. The lesser known archer is a prime candidate to get his own movie. Like War Machine and Black Widow, the character is a strong supporting character with a great backstory.

Bradley Cooper as Clint Barton aka Hawkeye/Ronin