Genre Flick News

Prometheus Sequel


SPOILER ALERT This entire post includes massive spoilers from Prometheus and other Alien films. If you havent watched any of these films skip over this article. The film asks more questions than it answers and a lot of people have been disappointed by this but the film was always envisioned as a two-part story. SPOILER ALERT

CREW: You’ve been given plenty of warnings so I’ll jump right into it. Shaw and David are only survivors of the Prometheus crew and on their way to the Engineers/Space Jockey planet (in an alien ship piloted by Dave). We now know that the Space Jockey’s planet is going to be massive part of the sequel. Shaw wants know why the Engineers created humans only to want to wipe them out (with the black goo which is a bio-weapon). The real question is if there was disaster on this military instillation planet why didn’t the rest of the Engineers move forward with wiping out Earth. I would assume that either the Engineers have died off on their homeworld in a similar fashion because of the black ooze or they regret the mission. It’s possible that they’re

ENGINEERS: The carbon dated dead Engineer had been lying around for over 2,000 years. At that point in human history the large event was the crucifixion of Christ. Rumblings online have speculated that Jesus was an Engineer sent to calm down a warring human popular with messages of love and peace. This ended up with a brutal/violent death for this messenger and angered the “gods”. One of the murals in the cave is a xenomorph like creature in a crucified pose. There are correlations that Weyland is essentially a modern Roman Empire looking to conquer the universe and setting up colonies.

It’s quite possible the Engineers understand that humans will eventually discover space travel and could be a massive threat to the universe including them. Our bloodlust instinct would rather have us destroy than build, with the Engineers are our creators seeing us a failure. That being said the one in this film is all about killing and completing the mission he had originally been tasked to carry out. We have no idea if they’ll be peaceful once Shaw makes it to their planet.

 Self-sacrifice has always been a theme of the franchise not to mention religion. Mainly, Ripley somewhat becoming a Jesus-like figure in the latter films. In Alien 3 we see Ripley as a Mother Mary/Jesus figure as she carries a Queen and kills herself to save innocent lives which is pretty much human redemption from our past evils. Of course Rips would end up getting her own resurrection in Alien 4 only to find out she’s human/alien clone hybrid (pretty much superhuman). They might want to explore Jesus in an intro similar to the beginning of Prometheus or that aspect being explained by the Engineers themselves.

XENOMORPHS: We never really find out what wiped out the Engineers but we do get a tease of what the DNA ooze can do. However, we do somewhat get an idea where the xenomorph’s origin comes from. Holloway ingests the goo without his knowledge then has sex with Shaw. The barren doctor ends up with alien-like fetus which see pulls out of her body on her own. It’s a squid-like alien creature that ends up growing a massive amount (like the xenomorph chestburster to warrior/drone) grabbing the Engineer acting like a giant-squid version of the facehugger. The Jockey acting as the host leads to a xeno-like creature bursting out of him. This very well could be the first Alien Queen.

A couple of things give me the impression more will happen on the planet before LV-223 is re-classified as LV-426 in Alien. Leading to the Nostromo setting down in 2127, thirty years after the events of Prometheus. The dead Space Jockey (killed by a chestburster) and egg room with some sort of laser barrier (Engineer tech to keep the eggs from hatching?) aren’t fully explained yet. It’s possible the Alien Queen sets up shop in the now derelict ship while Shaw and David are trying to answer their questions. In Alien, someone (new character, Shaw?) is in the Space Jockey suit likely to get oxygen only to have a xenomorph burst out of their chest. There is air in the crashed ship but in Alien they needed suits to breathe. I assume that the terraforming tech is damaged or stolen during the next film. Maybe it’s the only piece of technology Weyland is allowed to take from the planet as it’s the means of life not death.

WEYLAND WEAPONS DIVISION: After the events of Prometheus, Weyland would likely want answers why the crew hasn’t returned if Peter Weyland and next in-line Vickers are among the lost crew. Knowing aliens are involved in their mission could bring a large military force to the planet along with another group of genetic scientists in-case of first contact and alien-contagions. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Weyland makeshift a weapons program on the planet only for it to go wrong. Prometheus took elements from AVP and made them more interesting/cinematic. I could see a sequel re-working the themes from Alien Resurrection (military operation) to fit better into this universe.

One steady theme within the entire Alien franchise is that the company has seemingly known about the alien’s existence previous to the events of Alien. Ash receiving orders the alien is extremely valuable and the crew of the Nostromo is expendable. Like David, Ash could have allowed events to take place as a science experiment for the company. Allowing Kane on board (which could have killed the whole crew) and trying to smother Ripley when his orders are discovered. My theory is that Weyland once got their hands on it and it was somehow lost to them. Perhaps, David erased all information from the Weyland databases making the planet LV-223 full of bio-weapon gold lost to them. Until they start colonizing it as LV-426.

There are plenty of science fiction avenues they could explore within this new franchise. However, fans  of the franchise want to see the classic xenomorph back in action. This might really be our only chance before they move into different aspects with Shaw as the new Ripley.

SPECULATION: Will A ‘PROMETHEUS’ Sequel Involve A Xenomorph Planet?

Prometheus is set to be released next Friday and we’re already hearing positive talk from the first screenings. Currently it’s one of the more anticipate films of the year and should bring in some decent box office numbers with it’s 3D ticket price boost. Originally the project had been envisioned by Ridley Scott and writer John Spaihts (who has been talking sequel during recent interviews) as a two-part Alien prequel. When Damon Lindelof signed on to join the writing process this talk was squashed. Fox went so far as to state the film was no longer a Alien prequel. We know for a fact that was just spin as the alien ship, space jockey and possibly the xenomorph/egg chamber will be revealed in Prometheus. Ridley has already started talking about another film and wants to make it after the Counselor even with Blade Runner 2 in the works. So what would happen in Prometheus 2 if Fox pursues a sequel?

WEYLAND COLONIZES PROTEUS (XENOMORPH PLANET): While Prometheus answers questions to Alien, a second film could explore what we didn’t see in Aliens. Mainly, the massive horde of aliens wiping out the colonists from Hadley’s Hope. Along with what would a massive xenomorph outbreak would look like. The Weyland Industries viral site has been going into a lot of detail of the world-building/terraforming aspects of the company. Prometheus will be more about the discovery of our origins and exploring the unknown rather than creating an empire spanning the universe. The sequel should take on the themes of colonizing the universe. It could also allow surviving cast members from the first film to possibly be involved such as David, Vickers or even Shaw. Weyland’s Colonial Marines should also play a large role here as it gives Ridley a chance to play with the war mongering themes of the franchise. As the xenomorphs are wanted for the company’s weapons program which could lead to military experiments on Proteus spearheaded by Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce).

Proteus also known as Xenomorph Prime has been established as the home planet of the aliens. The xenomorph homeworld is a hostile planet much like LV-426, it boasts a cold and harsh climate that is rife with volcanoes and turbulent wind storms. According to one theory, the planet is not the actual source of the xenomorph species, but was used as a storage house by the Space Jockeys to contain and breed them. Weaver/Ridley had mentioned this planet as a possible setting for Alien 5 before the project was axed and Prometheus went into development.

One theory has it that the Space Jockeys were the original victims of the xenomorphs. Another has it that they were in fact their creators. The second theory is far more detailed and shows up in various sources. Apparently, the Space Jockeys (or Mala’kak) bred the xenomorphs for use a civil war that was raging millions of years ago. This would certainly explain why the xenomorphs are so hostile, so adaptive, and proliferate so quickly. Ultimately, the xenomorphs turned on their creators and caused their extinction, and live on as weapons leftover from a forgotten war. It’s possible the Jockeys in Prometheus intend to use this weapon (the ship filled with xenomorph eggs) against Earth because humans have become too advanced of a species and are now a threat to the universe.

Ridley Scott Confirms Hampton Fancher Writing ‘BLADE RUNNER 2’

During an extensive interview with THR about his career and his upcoming film Prometheus Ridley Scott revealed a brief update on the planned Blade Runner sequel/prequel. Ridley confirms that screenwriter Hampton Fancher has be set to start working on the script for the new film. Hampton was one of the original writers on the first film which he adapted Philip K. Dick’s short story with David Webb Peoples.

It’s important to note that Ridley expects to direct a Prometheus sequel after he completes The Counselor. Blade Runner 2 is likely years away considering the extensive world-building involved with concept artists. The sheer volume of artwork that would be needed to create a setting on either Earth or an off-world colony would be a daunting task.

SPOILERS: Ridley Scott Talks Prometheus

I’ve used the heading SPOILERS to point out this whole article could ruin Prometheus if you read it so you’ve been warned. Ridley Scott while speaking with The Wallstreet Journal’s blog Speakeasy he gave a small tidbits of details on Prometheus. Confirming that the Alien DNA is in the film stating “The last eight minutes of the “Prometheus” story evolve into “a pretty good DNA of the ‘Alien’ one”.

This news leads me to believe there is a possiblity that Ridley and Fox could be considering a sequel which had been in the original plan. While setting up the alien world with Prometheus the next installment very well could end up being the Alien prequel that was originally intended. When the Alien prequel was originally announced there had been plans for two movies that would explain where the eggs, ship and Space Jockey came from. It’s unknown how much of Prometheus will actually explain if anything of the mythology/origin of the aliens. I wouldn’t be shocked if the film ended with a cliff hanger leading into the second film, if that plan still exists.

I had my doubts how they could make one origin story into two movies but establishing the human world, androids, the company’s motives and colonies would be the first step, the second explaining the origins of the aliens. This of course is all speculation but it’s going to be a massive treat for Alien fans like myself it does turn out this way. There has also been talk that Prometheus very well could be told from the prospective of David (Fassbender), one of the androids in the film.