Genre Flick News

Mad Max

George Miller Confirms Mad Max: Fury Road Starts Shooting Next January

Director George Miller has reached out to the DailyTelegraph giving an update on Mad Max: Fury Road. The sequel/reboot of his successful Mad Max franchise which he directed the previous three films with Mel Gibson in the lead role.

Tom Hardy will star as the new Max along with Charlize Theron, Patrick Stewart (X-Men 1-3) , Nicholas Hoult (Jack The Giant Killer, X-Men First Class), Teressa Palmer, Zoe Kravitz (X-Men First Class) and Adelaide Clemens.

“We will restart pre-production later this year and begin early next year—weather permitting,” Miller said acknowledging the year-long delay he and Warner Bros. had agreed on. “We’ve built the vehicles. We’ve designed the movie. The principal cast is locked in. The film is funded. It’s all ready to go. We just wait,”

George Miller Filming Two Mad Max Films Back To Back?

Twitch is reporting that director George Miller is planning on filming two new Mad Max films back to back. The first which had already been confirmed to star Tom Hardy in the lead role entitled Mad Max: Fury Road which starts production this summer. Now comes word there will be second installment with the working title Mad Max: Furiosa.



Christopher Waltz, who played the amazing and villainous Col. Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds, has joined Green Hornet. Waltz will be replacing Nicolas Cage as the villain. It’s a great move by everyone involved. His massive success with winning best actor at Cannes and eventual Oscar nomination, could make the film more anticapted than if Cage was still attached.

Bruce Campbell has revealed that Spider-Man 4 will start shooting in January. He will also have a larger role in the film. Campbell has been featured in all three films, with minor but entertaining cameos. It’s been rumored that he could end up playing a villain.

Jeffery Dean Morgan (Watchmen) has recently said he’d love to play DC Comics’ Lobo, in the upcoming Guy Ritchie film. Dean Morgan was one of the actors who I had pegged for the role. He has also confirmed he has a role in the upcoming remake of Red Dawn.

The new Mad Max could be played by Jeremy Renner (Hurt Locker, 28 Weeks Later). The actor has recently screen tested for the reboot/sequel. Mad Max 4: Fury Road was rumored to be animated but now seems to be live-action, for the better. George Miller the original director is attached and we could see the film in 3D.

There is also a rumor that Sam Worthington (Avatar, Clash of The Titans) could be up for the role of Captain Nemo in Disney’s remake of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. This seems to make sense since director McG’s connection with the actor from Terminator Salvation. Worthington seems to be a new breed of action star and could help give the project attention. Will Smith was originally in mind for the role but might end up joining Swiss Family Robinson instead.

As usual every week we hear a new Megan Fox casting rumor. This time the rumor is that she has joined the cast of Resident Evil 4: Afterlife. While I think it’s a project she could gravitate to, it’s unlikely. Also a while back she was rumored to be involved in Bond23, this seems more her style. Fox would make a better Bond girl than a second fiddle to Milla Jovovich fighting zombies.

Speaking of Resident Evil 4: Afterlife, Boris Kodjoe (Surrogates) has joined the cast. Boris used his Twitter account to announce his involvement.“In Toronto meeting with the director of my new movie ‘Resident Evil: Afterlife’ Very exciting!!! Lots of stunts, shooting guns, monsters…

Carla Gugino (Watchmen, Sin City), Jon Hamm (Mad Men), Scott Glenn (Training Day) and Oscar Issac (Body of Lies) have joined Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch.