Genre Flick News

Joesph Gordon-Levitt

Powerful Trailer For Steven Spielberg’s LINCOLN

First Teaser Poster For ‘LOOPER’ Starring Bruce Willis And Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joesph Gordon-Levitt, Ryan Gosling & Alexander Skarsgard Wanted For The Man From UNCLE

Steven Soderbergh’s big screen adaption of the 60’s spy show The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is moving closer to production at Warner Bros. The only issue is that George Clooney who was attached dropped out recently and the studio is without a lead. TheWrap names actors like Joesph Gordon-Levitt (Inception, Dark Knight Rises) and Ryan Gosling (Drive, Gangster Squard, Logan’s Run) being mentioned on a possible studio wishlist, along with Alexander Skarsgard (True Blood, Generation Kill). The hope is that the movie will become something similar to Lethal Weapon, becoming a solid buddy action comedy. I think both Ryan and Joesph are prime for a leap like this since both actors are solid in comedies and action focused films. Here’s hoping the studio is able to wrangle their caliber to the project with Soderbergh’s involvement alone.

Rian Johnson’s Looper Gets Release Date

Sony has picked up Rian Johnson’s violent time-travelling action thriller Looper. They’ve slated to release it on September 28th 2012. Looper stars Bruce Willis, Joesph Gordon-Levitt, Emily Blunt, Piper Perabo, Jeff Daniels, Paul Dano and Garret Dillahunt. I’m expecting big things from Looper and it has the potential to be a science fiction action film on the level of the original Total Recall.

Joesph Gordon-Levitt & Marion Cotillard Confirmed For Dark Knight Rises

Warner Bros. has finally confirmed both Joesph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard for The Dark Knight Rises. The press release also gives us their roles in the film. Joe will play John Blake, a Gotham City beat cop assigned to special duty under the command of Commissioner Gordon. Marion will play Miranda Tate a Wayne Enterprises board member.

Juno Temple Confirmed For Dark Knight Rises

Variety has confirmed that Juno Temple (Atonement) has joined The Dark Knight Rises. It’s unknown who the up and coming actress will be playing but the role is described as “a street-smart Gotham girl”. Previous rumors have suggested Harley Quinn or Robin (Carrie Kelly/Stephanie Brown) but it’s likely just a small role. Temple joins Batman newbies Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway and recently confirmed Joesph Gordon-Levitt.

Is Joesph Gordon-Levitt Playing Alberto Falcone Or Black Mask In TDKR?

Today has been a confusing day for people following the casting development of Joesph Gordon-Levitt joining Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Rises. First EW debunked Variety’s scoop that JGL would be playing Alberto Falcone also known as the Holiday Killer. BatmanNews picked up on BatmanOnFilm editing their story removing Black Mask as a possible role for Joesph. So currently it’s up in the air who he is actually playing.

Previously Gary Oldman confirmed another unnamed villain would also be added.  It could be nothing but combined with the debunk helps fuel previous rumors that had Joesph was playing Black Mask. The Gotham villain has been a fan favorite since the film was first announced. Considering Roman Sionis is a reality based villain and is well known/liked it’s still possible. To be honest Black Mask is a strong villain as he focused his threats on Bruce Wayne not Batman and is an enemy of Catwoman. I also wouldn’t be shocked to see Nolan develop a hybrid villain combining Alberto Falcone (Holiday Killer) and Roman Sionis (Black Mask) into one character.

Joesph Gordon-Levitt Will Play Alberto Falcone In Dark Knight Rises

Variety has learned the role Joesph Gordon-Levitt will be playing in The Dark Knight Rises. It’s Alberto Falcone the son of mafia kingpin Carmine Falcone played by Tom Wilkinson in Batman Begins. It fits with previous reports that the Holiday Killer would be involved along with a bigger mob presence in the final film.

Joesph Gordon-Levitt Confirmed For Dark Knight Rises, Juno Temple Could Also Join

Variety confirms that Joesph Gordon-Levitt (Inception) has been cast in The Dark Knight Rises. His role is unknown at this point but it’s been hinted he could be either an ally or enemy of Batman. They also add that Juno Temple (Atonement) is in talks for a supporting role of a street smart Gotham girl. Temple had previously been in the running for the lead in Bryan Singer’s Jack The Giant Killer.

Emily Blunt Joins Looper

ProductionWeekly reports that Emily Blunt (Wolfman) has joined Rian Johnson’s (Brick, Brothers Bloom) Looper. The time travel thriller already stars Joesph Gordon Levitt (Inception, 500 Days of Summer) and Bruce Willis.

JGL & ScarJo Interested In Zombie Rom-Com Breathers

Based on the novel by S.G. Browne and produced by Diablo Cody (Juno) Breathers: A Zombie Lament has apparently attracted Joesph Gordon-Levitt and Scarlett Johansson. Pajiba reports the two actors are loosely attached for the project while they shop around for a director. The novel focuses on Andy, a dead man who discovers himself newly re-animated as a mid-aged, decaying zombie who must figure out what it means to live as an Un-dead in a society that denies his kind basic rights.

Joesph Gordon-Levitt Rumored For Riddler?

Joesph Gordon-Levitt who had previously been rumored for the new Joker (which was debunked by Nolan). Joe is now rumored to be in talks for the role of the Riddler in Batman 3 according to Hollywood Life. I’d love to see Joe in the film no matter his role, villain or not. It’s not out of the question since Christopher Nolan does like to recycle actors he’s worked with before.