Genre Flick News

Jennifer’s Body

RUMOR: Gillian Jacobs Joining The Evil Dead Remake?

DestroyTheBrain claims an exclusive casting rumor that could see two actresses possibly joining the Evil Dead remake. One of the actresses is former child star Jurnee Smollett (Full House, Friday Night Lights) and the other is Gillian Jacobs (Choke) best known from Community. This seems to be the first word of casting so if true we should be hearing more names attached soon.

SFX Guru Gregory Nicotero Talks Evil Dead Reboot

Gregory Nicotero is one of the best special effects artists working in Hollywood today. He’s not as well known as Tom Savini or Rick Baker but he has just as an impressive resume. It includes The Walking Dead, Predators, Planet Terror, Jennifer’s Body, Drag Me To Hell, The Mist, Scream, John Carpenter’s Vampires, From Dusk Till Dawn, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Inglourious Basterds, Sin City, Death Proof, Land of The Dead, Kill Bill and Hostel 1-2. Greg is best known for his stunning gore effects along with interesting makeup concepts he also worked on Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. So when he was asked by STYD if he was going to return for the Evil Dead remake he gave this answer.

“We would love to do [that project]. I believe they might be shooting in New Zealand, so that might be prohibitive. I know they would love to have us and I know we’d love to do it, I just don’t know where it’s going to go. I spoke to [producer] Rob [Tapert] and said, with the stuff we’re doing on The Walking Dead, I can only imagine how cool it would be to do something with the make-up would be so much fun.”