Genre Flick News

J.J. Feild

FIRST LOOK: J.J. Feild As Union Jack

Marvel/Paramount have released high-rez photos from Captain America. In the background in one of them is clearly J.J. Feild as Montgomery Falsworth/Union Jack. There has been talk that the Invaders would be incorporated into the Howling Commandos and Jack would be one of them. 

J.J. Feild Confirmed For Union Jack

ComicBookMovie was able to get a hold of copy of a call sheet for a Captain America scene. The sheet confirms actor J.J. Feild (Centurion) is playing Falsworth better known as Union Jack. It’s expected Falsworth could be involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers movies. There has also been rumors of WWII set spin-off films I wouldn’t be surprised to see an Invaders or Union Jack film in the future.