Genre Flick News

Howling Commandos


We’ve already been given hints that Captain America 2 will likely include Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Maria Hill as supporting characters. However, I feel like we could see a couple more staple characters from the Cap comics join the ranks of SHIELD possibly creating a new unit The Invaders. Not to mention some iconic villains that were supposed to be included in First Avenger. Those villains may or may not end up as wranglers of Winter Soldier.







Neal McDonough Says Captain America 2 Shoots In 2012

While Marvel Studios seems to be tight lipped about any sort of sequel to Captain America. We’ve heard some rumblings previously from actors, writers and director Joe Johnston. McDonough being the most brash to state his character Dum Dum Dugan would be returning in the sequel along with a Nick Fury spin-off. Now according to a new interview with JoBlo, Neal is revealing Captain America 2‘s possible production start. It will be interesting to see if Marvel ends up shooting three films in 2012. This could lead to the studio ramping up productions on Ant-Man and Doctor Strange in 2013.

“Yeah, they’re planning (to go into production for) for the end of this year, because Marvel does one film at a time. So they’re going to do THOR 2 and as soon as THOR has wrapped, they’ll do CAP 2. Hopefully right after that, we’ll jump into NICK FURY because that’s the one I’m looking forward to more than anything.”

What we do know is that the sequel could include more WWII flashback scenes include the return of The Howling Commandos and a 40’s era Cap. Yet, the majority of the film would take place during the present day. We could see the exploration of the demise of Bucky Barnes and his resurrection by the Russians to become the KGB assassin Winter Soldier. Director Joe Johnston mentioned to ScreenRant that he’d love to make a movie about Winter Soldier. Seeing Bucky become a villain would be as complex as Loki in Thor, considering he’s brainwashed into it. Johnston is expected to return as the sequel’s director but there has yet to be an announcement.

“I’m not really worried about it. I told the Marvel guys that there is a character that I’m really interested in called ‘The Winter Soldier’ and that if, ‘you guys decide to make that picture I would definitely be interested.’ It’s the ‘Bucky’ Barnes story.” 

 “Just a little bit. We talked about ‘The Winter Soldier’ which is the continuation of what his story is. It’s basically that he is captured by the Russians and he’s brainwashed and turned into an assassin. But you know there are a thousand ways to go with that. I just think that it would be interesting to take a character that was in ‘Captain America’ and build a story around him. Plus, I like Sebastian Stan a lot (who played Bucky) I think he would be an interesting actor to build another feature around.”

 “Well I only signed on for two. The actors have to sign on for six, at least six, and I only sign on for two which is not to say that I wouldn’t agree to do more or that they would ask me to do more — I don’t know. But my point is that there are thousands of characters in the Marvel Universe, of which I am only familiar with a very few of them and it might be interesting to sort of go into the Marvel vault and find a character that you can develop a whole story around. I would definitely be interested in doing that.”

In early drafts of the script for the first film both Baron Zemo and Baron von Strucker had been included. This was confirmed by screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely during an interview with IFC. This gives the impression that one or both could be used in the sequel. If Strucker makes the sequel we should expect the resurrection of Hydra and the inclusion of his second in command Madame Hydra. The duo have handed in an outline for Captain America 2 and could have continued the process since.

“There were a few classic villains that were planned for the first film, only to be removed in subsequent drafts. The pair previously revealed that evil despot Baron Zemo was in an early draft, but he wasn’t the only sinister side character in those versions of the script. “

 “Baron Strucker was in there for a while, but he wasn’t doing enough to justify wasting him in the film,” said McFeely. “We certainly tried things, and ended up settling on the more useful Red Skull and Arnim Zola. But they’re all still on the table,” 

Dum Dum Dugan In Captain America 2 & Nick Fury Film?

Recently Neal McDonough was speaking with IAmRogue (via CBM) about his future with Marvel Studios. He mentioned the possibility of showing up in Captain America 2. Being featured in either flashbacks or present day scenes. Neal goes even further and mentions possibilities to include him in the Nick Fury film which has been mentioned since the first Iron Man. Saying the film could be set in the 60’s or 70’s.

“Yeah the talk now is that they are going to flashback to WWII and without going to much into, because I’m not supposed to say too much at all, but whatever they do I guarantee you this … it’s going to be an awesome movie. The villain is going to be crazy, and it will be really terrific. The origin of Cap being in WWII is definitely paramount to the guys over at Marvel.”

“In the origin with Dum Dum, he got a small portion of the super serum himself and he was actually the head of S.H.E.I.L.D. until four or five years ago. So he aged really slowly. He aged quicker than Nick and quicker than Steve Rogers did but he aged quite slowly. He was chronologically frozen him self for ten years. So there are all kinds of stuff that I’ve read in the comic books but who knows how they’re going to do it. I know they are going to go back to WWII in Cap 2. You know in flashbacks but past that I’m not sure. Also what would make me happier than a pig in poop would be to be part of and see Sam Jackson as a ‘60s or ‘70s version of Nick Fury. That would just be awesome. Hopefully we’ll get that one done soon. I know Sam is very excited about it.”

In a separate interview with ABC News (via CBM) Neal stated that again he would be alongside Samuel L. Jackson in a Fury movie.

“Oh yeah, Cap 2 is in the works. The script is written and hopefully we will go into production fairly soon. I’m really looking forward to the Nick Fury films. Sam Jackson and myself will be partners in that one. And I know Sam is really excited about doing it. So fingers crossed we start that one up pretty soon.”

His character does get exposed to a different super soldier formula known as the infinity formula. That ends up slowing down his aging along with Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos in the comics. If the studio wants more period pieces perhaps focusing on the Cold War in the Fury film or having flashbacks of the Howlers fighting a numerous amount of war campaigns the infinity formula is a good way to do it. It’s unknown if Marvel is going to use this avenue but it would be a science fiction way to include the Howling Commandos in present day films.

Captain America Screenwriters Talk Sequel & Howling Commandos Spin-Off

 While talking with IFC (via ComicBookMovie) screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely talked about Captain America 2 confirming they’ve completed an outline for the the sequel. Along with seemingly colaberating with Joss Whedon to figure out where Cap’s character should be in Captain America 2. Since a few things that likely were planned for the second film are now being included into The Avengers.

McFeely: “We needed to read Joss’ ‘Avengers’ before we could go on and do ‘Captain America 2.’ We needed to see if he did anything different, character-wise – and he hadn’t, he’s an excellent writer – but we also needed to see what he had done in terms of Steve poking around the modern day and dealing with it.” 

Markus: “So much of Captain America’s adventures occur in the present day, so there are a lot of things I’d like to touch on. That said, we did leave the center section of ‘Captain America’ baggy enough to let him have adventures you didn’t see [in the first film]. So, we kind of have enough room to play with [for the sequel].” 

McFeely: “Still, if he had another adventure entirely set in World War II, the stakes are kind of lessened, because you know he survives and you know what happens to Bucky and you know the Howling Commandos survive long enough to have a toast in a bar.” 

Markus: “You know Cap wins and you know that whoever he was fighting didn’t destroy the world, because you’ve already seen things that happen after it. So the stakes are, well… But then again, did that bother anyone with the second ‘Indiana Jones’ movie?” 

I’m a big fan of the first film so I’m excited to see that they’re going forward with the sequel with Joe Johnston still expected at the helm. My only concern is that Joss Whedon had added things to the last film’s script to incorporate the Avengers and I assume to add humor as well. Whedon is well known for his whitty oneliners which seemed all over The First Avenger. So hopefully Joss is still going to be apart of the screenwriting side along with Markus and McFeely. There also seems a rich story to be told with Winter Soldier whether it’s in a sequel or the Howling Commando spin-off.

The pair also mentioned the potential Howling Commandos spin-off that has been rumored for a while now. Which they’re open to making and could end up being very similar to Kelly’s Heroes and Inglourious Basterds. The latter isn’t surprising as Quentin Tarantino took inspiration for The Basterds from The Howling Commandos comics.

McFeely: “They’re certainly cool, and in a different movie, we would’ve certainly had a little more ‘Kelly Heroes’ or ‘Magnificent Seven”. thing going on. (Talking about if they had more screen time) 

Markus: “It would’ve been like ‘Inglourious Commandos.” 

McFeely: “Personally, I’m a big fan of that type of movie – the ne’er-do-wells banding together to fight a common cause. So I’m open to it, but… well… I’ll just say I’m open to it.”

I have to admit that I almost enjoyed the scenes with the Howlers more than the solo Cap scenes. So I’d be on board with a Howling Commandos spin-off. Yet, I’m concerned with the amount of spin-off talk considering the laundry list of other original projects at Marvel that have yet to get off the ground. Their has already been talk of spin-offs for Nick Fury, Black Widow, War Machine, Hawkeye and The Warriors Three. I assume it’s just way for Marvel to pump up audiences/fans to root for the supporting characters.

RUMOR: Vincent D’onofrio In Talks For Captain America?

CBM have word from a source that actor Vincent D’onofrio (Full Metal Jacket, Men In Black) is in talks for a role in Captain America. He might be playing either a Howling Commando or an Invader. Since the two groups are being combined it’s hard to pick out which character he could be playing.

Neal McDonough Confirms He’s Playing Dum Dum Dugan

Neal McDonough (Band of Brothers) talked to MTV confirming he will be playing Dum Dum Dugan who is part of the Howling Commandos and is founding member of SHIELD. He confirmed the bowler hat will be worn while he was also sporting Dugan’s signature mustache during the interview. Neal said he’ll be seeing lots of action in Captain America referring to himself as the “go-to-guy”. There is the possibility that he could return for more films depending on what direction his character goes. I wouldn’t be surprised if he returns for the SHIELD movie or even a Howling Commandos spin-off.