Genre Flick News


Russo Brothers To Direct ‘CAPTAIN AMERICA 2’

ShowBlitz reports that The Russo Brothers are in final talks to direct Captain America 2 which starts production in January and is set for an April 14th 2014 release date. They’re best known for their comedic work on projects like Community, Arrested Development, Happy Endings, Welcome To Collingwood and You, Me And Dupree. It will an interesting directing duo for sure as we’ve seen some excellent sibling directing teams in the past with The Wachowskis and The Hughes Brothers. I assume that the pair will also include some humorous rewrites to the script from Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely.

We currently don’t have a synopsis for the film but it’s been confirmed it will take place directly after the events of The Avengers. Seeing Steve become a full-fledged agent of SHIELD and his missions with them. It’s expected that Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) and Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill) will be along for the ride. No word on if Winter Soldier will be involved but Kevin Feige has teased Cap’s present day partner The Falcon is a possibility.

Kristen Wiig Attached To Action Comedy From Descendants Writers

It sounds like a perfect comedy match up with ShowBlitz reporting that Kristen Wiig is negotiations to star in an untitled action-comedy from screenwriters Jim Rash and Nat Faxon. The pair recently won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Descendants. Wiig was Oscar nominated this year for co-writing Bridesmaids in the Best Original Screenplay category. The combination of the three is amazing considering Faxon was involved with the bizarre but fun Broken Lizard films, Rash being an integral part of the wacky show Community and Wiig being the funniest person on SNL.

Zero details are known about the project but it landed at Indian Paintbrush, with other studios making their own offers. Paintbrush is a new production company but has an impressive list of films that includes Young Adult, Like Crazy, Seeking A Friend At The End of The World,  Fantastic Mr. Fox, Jeff Who Lives At Home, Moonrise Kingdom and The Darjeeling Limited under their belt. I assume that we should be seeing some really interesting names attaching themselves in supporting roles.

RUMOR: Gillian Jacobs Joining The Evil Dead Remake?

DestroyTheBrain claims an exclusive casting rumor that could see two actresses possibly joining the Evil Dead remake. One of the actresses is former child star Jurnee Smollett (Full House, Friday Night Lights) and the other is Gillian Jacobs (Choke) best known from Community. This seems to be the first word of casting so if true we should be hearing more names attached soon.