Genre Flick News

Bruce Campbell

RUMOR: Gillian Jacobs Joining The Evil Dead Remake?

DestroyTheBrain claims an exclusive casting rumor that could see two actresses possibly joining the Evil Dead remake. One of the actresses is former child star Jurnee Smollett (Full House, Friday Night Lights) and the other is Gillian Jacobs (Choke) best known from Community. This seems to be the first word of casting so if true we should be hearing more names attached soon.

Diablo Cody Talks Evil Dead Remake

While most Evil Dead fans aren’t sure what to make of Fede Alvarez’s new reboot. It was recently revealed by producer Bruce Campbell the Ash character he originally played in the trilogy won’t be showing up. Giving the impression a younger actor won’t be taking over the role either. A sigh of relief as this makes me believe they are really going a different route while keep the original concept intact.

“Five twenty-something friends become holed up in a remote cabin where they discover a Book Of The Dead and unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in the nearby woods, which possess the youngsters in succession until only one is left intact to fight for survival.”

Diablo Cody (Jennifer’s Body, Young Adult) who was recently hired to do some rework on the script talked to Collider about what we can expect from the new movie.

I know, honestly I was so excited to do it. I wouldn’t have even gotten involved if Sam [Raimi] and Bruce Campbell hadn’t been involved as well, they’re producing it, and so of course I was like “Alright I have to do this” because I’m such a fan of the original, and the whole original series in fact. But I was nervous to take the job because I thought “Ugh, I’m gonna get shit for this. People are not gonna like this, because all people know of me is like Juno and they think I’m gonna pollute Evil Dead with like wacky dialogue and cute stuff and folk music, and it’s like “No, look I understand what this is. I’m interested in storytelling here and making it scary and good and true to the original.” I feel like people will hopefully see Young Adult and go “Oh, okay that’s a horrifying movie maybe she could pull it off (laughs).” 

Because the director’s draft was really scary, I tried to stay away from some of the big horror set pieces. I didn’t wanna mess with his vision, because he’s the one who ultimately has to shoot it. That being said, there is a moment near the—I mean it’s unbelievably violent (laughs). Occasionally I threw in a wound here or there. I didn’t write anything extravagant.

Diablo Cody Writing Evil Dead Remake?

In a recent report that Ash may or may not appear in The Evil Dead remake from CinemaBlend. It was revealed that Oscar winning screenwriter Diablo Cody would be contributing to the film’s script. A key detail of the remake that I haven’t posted before. Cody is best known for her work on Juno, Jennifer’s Body, United States Of Tara and the upcoming Young Adult. Like her or hate her she has a contemporary way of writing dialog and seems a good fit for the horror genre. It’s expected that the film could hit theaters around 2013 with newcomer Fede Alvarez directing.