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The new trailer for Iron Man 3 seems to have given fans a lot to speculate over not to mention confirming some of the rumors as well. Here are a couple of my thoughts on what may or may not be in the film from previous rumors, rumblings, set photos and now this footage. Be warned this could very well spoil the film for you if you read any further.

THE TEN RINGS RETURN: Similar to The Dark Knight Rises, Iron Man 3 looks to close the circle of a trilogy by bringing back old villains. The terrorist group The Ten Rings headed by The Mandarin (self-proclaimed terrorist) looks to get very personal by blowing up Tony’s home. We should assume they are very well armed this time-around and will be a force to be feared.

MANDARIN UPDATED AND RINGS COSMIC POWERED: It’s looking like Ben Kingsley’s Mandarin will be less a Fu Manchu and more terrorist guru. Previously, it had been rumored that the Chinese version of the film would have to change the villains because of the sensitivity of Chinese audiences. By sound of Ben’s voice he might end up becoming more of an Eastern European baddie (possibly Chechnyan). His rings look like they may or may not be cosmic relics, could Mandarin be yet another pawn of Thanos?

SUPPORTING CHARACTERS GETTING BUMPED-OFF: In the image above things aren’t looking so good for Happy Hogan (Favreau). After the death scene in Avengers it looks like anyone is fair-game to get the ol’ axe, even Pepper. Notice Happy’s chest which looks like his own chest-reactor. My previous speculation of The Iron Legion could be at play here. Where friends of Stark come together and don their own suits to save the day. Perhaps, Hogan isn’t so lucky fighting the new threat.

WHITNEY FROST/MADAME MASQUE: Nothing confirmed here but it’s looking very likely that French actress Stephanie Sozstak (seen above in the screengrab) has been at least cast in a similar role. Frost has been both friend and enemy of Stark so she could help or try to hurt him within the entire film. There is also talk this is just a random hook-up scene but Stephanie seems a little too aggressive.

PEPPER BECOMING RESCUE: This image gives the impression that Pepper is in a bad place from the look on her face. Possibly getting her own chest reactor like Tony, leading her to get her own suit with the nickname Rescue. It’s been mentioned before that Feige and Shane Black would love to see Potts in her own suit. Finally, giving Pepper equal footing with Tony as one of the stronger female characters in the Marvel universe.

NO S.H.I.E.L.D. OR AVENGERS HELPING TONY: While there had been talk of replacing Agent Coulson with Maria Hill as Tony’s new assigned S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. The organization along with fellow Avengers won’t be there to help Stark in his darkest hour. It’s pretty obvious that he might have to go off-the-grid to keep himself and others alive.

NEW ARMOR AN ANDROID: In Avengers we heard Tony refer to life-model decoy which is reference to androids. The new suit seems to be piloting itself in a few spot unless a villain or someone else is actually in there. If anyone would be able to create the technology that would lead to Ultron/Vision it would be Stark. It seems like there are some glitches if that’s the case.

KILLIAN A BRIDGE TO WINTER SOLDIER: Killian (Pearce) seems to be heading up Advanced Idea Mechanics if the set photos are to be believed. Another group linked to HYDRA and started by Baron Strucker. It wouldn’t be shocking to see him revealed as indeed Strucker leading to a resurrection of HYDRA or at the very least planting seeds for Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

A.I.M. Spotted On ‘IRON MAN 3’ Set

ComicBookMovie has found an image of the building for Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) on the set of Iron Man 3. It seemingly could be the workplace of main villain Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) who creates the Extremis virus setting in motion the conflict of the picture. Mandarin (Ben Kingsley) could also be involved with the terrorist group as well as it could be an upscale replacement for The Ten Rings. The group is known as Marvel villains and have fought Avengers, Iron Man and SHIELD in the past. A.I.M. has their own personal army (like Hydra) who wear ridiculous bright yellow uniforms.

The corporation is a front for a Hydra-aligned terrorist group that is led in the comics by Modok. It was originally created during WWII as Hydra’s weapons sub-group by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. They have plans for world domination through technological means. It seems like A.I.M. could be the group that Killian and Mandarin are apart of when they develop the Extremis virus unleashing a group of superpowered villains on the globe. I don’t expect to see either Modok or Strucker involved as the two have been mentioned as possible villains for Captain America 2. Another idea is that this could be Marvel planting seeds to setup the group as the new Hydra (or Hydra in hiding) in the Cap sequel.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen shoutouts to evil Marvel companies in the Iron Man films. In the first film during the Iron Monger fight the Roxxon Corperation building was shown in the background. Roxxon which is an energy company has ties to both A.I.M. and Hydra. Of course Hammer Industries was also highlighted in Iron Man 2 they had government contracts to recreate Stark’s tech for the military. Hammer’s motivation in that film was jealousy to be as successful as Stark. I wouldn’t be shocked to see A.I.M. getting government funding only to use the suits and virus for their own means.

Rundown Of Possible Villains And Allies For Captain America 2

Marvel Studios is currently on a search to find a director to helm Captain America 2. As ten names are in the running but only four of those have been revealed. Kevin Feige, Chris Evans and the writers have stated that the sequel could be set in the present and may also include WWII flashbacks. There have been hints to what villains we can expect for the second installment but it’s sort up in the air when it comes supporting heroes. Director Joe Johnston mentioned that Marvel could be saving Winter Soldier for his own spin-off, so he could be excluded until that happens. I’ve come up with some ideas of what the new additions should be along with previous hints to who the villains could be. I’m hoping that Marvel is smart enough to hold off bringing back Red Skull and Zola until later on in the franchise.


SHARON CARTER: The niece (grand niece more likely) of Peggy Carter, Sharon was inspired by the WWII adventures of her Aunt Peggy alongside Captain America. This lead her decide to follow a similar path into the military eventually becoming an elite SHIELD Agent. While nothing has been confirmed there is speculation that Amanda Righetti was playing this character at the end of The First Avenger. I’m sure this will be cleared up in Avengers if not there is still hope that Sharon Carter will indeed end up Cap’s new love interest. Perhaps also helping fill in the blanks of what happened to Peggy.

FALCON: Sam Wilson better known as The Falcon was a protege of sorts of Cap and the two had series of team-up comics. If Cap assembles a present time team I would expect Marvel to include one of Steve’s best friends. I’m not sure if his costume from the comics would translate well but it could be interesting to see him re-imagined as a fighter pilot/SHIElD Agent. I could see the sequel becoming a buddy superhero film if Falcon does show up.

CONTESSA: The SHIELD agent was one of the few actual female characters without powers in the Marvel universe that’s been able to stick around for decades. Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine would eventually exit SHIELD to become the new Madame Hydra replacing Viper. It would be interesting to see one of these agents turn out to be a sleeper for HYDRA or to for her to just switch sides over jealously or money. One of my biggest problems with the Marvel films is that they rarely have more than one female heroine in their films. Avengers is going to up that with Maria Hill and Black Widow in the same movie but it’s unknown how much “action” Hill will actually see. This is another character that Amanda Righetti could have playing at the end of First Avenger.

UNION JACK: Joey Chapman is the current iteration of the British legacy hero Union Jack. Joey got his own Easter Egg in Iron Man 2 as one of the drivers listed in the race, so Marvel has established he exists in the film universe. The masked hero wears a bulletproof costume, is a knife/sword expert along with exceptional training in martial arts and other weapons (guns ect). James Montgomery Falsworth of the Howling Commandos played by JJ Field was also a shout-out to Union Jack in the First Avenger. Falsworth and his family took up the Union Jack persona before passing it down to Chapman. Union Jack is also a member of The Invaders and if we don’t see the return of Howling Commandos in present time (ala Infinity Formula) the Invaders could be a great replacement team name.


BARON ZEMO: Zemo had been rumored since the casting of First Avenger and it was revealed by the screenwriters that he indeed was in early drafts of the script. Zemo is easily Cap’s second most popular villain and needs to be front and center if he is used. If he ends up in the sequel he’s costume will need some remodeling and I doubt an actor will be hidden by a mask for the whole film.

BARON STRUCKER: Strucker has a rather large presence as the contemporary head of HYDRA being it’s leader continuing the villainous terrorist group started by the Red Skull. We could see HYDRA becoming a world threat again with the classic green uniforms finally being used. I have to believe that both Strucker and Madame Hydra are strong candidates because they’ve been used in the Super Soldier video game and the current Avengers cartoon from Disney. Baron Strucker was also in the early drafts of the First Avenger script but was ultimately removed.

MADAME HYDRA: Madame Hydra is Strucker’s second in command and the leader of the HYDRA sub-group The Serpent Seven. The role has been filled by many different women including Viper and former SHIELD agent Contessa Valentina Allegro De Fontaine. It could be an interesting to see SHIELD infiltrated by HYDRA having them trying to take the group down by covert methods.

A.I.M.: Writers Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus have mentioned their affection for Modok who is the leader of the arms dealing terrorist group A.I.M. They even stated they wanted to include Modok in a sequel having Peter Dinklage (Games of Thrones) in the role. A.I.M. could just as easily fit in Iron Man 3 depending on the direction Marvel is going for with that. If Modok does end up in the film they’d have to make him a lot more realistic to be taken seriously as a villan.

Could Zemo & Strucker Be The Villains In Captain America 2?

It’s been long rumored that Captain America villain and leader of the Masters of Evil, Baron Zemo would be featured in Captain America: The First Avenger. Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely confirmed to IFC that in early versions of the script Zemo and Baron Strucker indeed were involved. However, it seemed like a waste to use both so early in the franchise. It’s likely that the two villains could show up in Captain America 2 or future Marvel films.

There were a few classic villains that were planned for the first film, only to be removed in subsequent drafts. The pair previously revealed that evil despot Baron Zemo was in an early draft, but he wasn’t the only sinister side character in those versions of the script.

“Baron Strucker was in there for a while, but he wasn’t doing enough to justify wasting him in the film,” said McFeely. “We certainly tried things, and ended up settling on the more useful Red Skull and Arnim Zola. But they’re all still on the table,” he teased. 

“There wasn’t a sequence with Master Man that ended up on the cutting room floor or anything,” laughed Markus. “But there was an endless array of scenes we could’ve drawn from, and may draw from in the future. I’m not being cryptic when I say that, either – I’m just being a comic book geek. For example, some day, whether it be in an ‘Iron Man’ movie or a ‘Captain America’ movie or any other Marvel movie, I want to see M.O.D.O.K. float down the hall.” 

Zemo along with creating The Masters of Evil (a group of villains that fight The Avengers) is also responsible for putting together the original Thunderbolts group. The Thunderbolts were similar to the Dark Avengers as they are villains posing as heroes to gain the world’s trust and plan to eventually take it over. Other incarnations of the group included villains released from super prisons to reduce their sentences working for SHIELD on different missions. I wouldn’t be shocked to see Zemo become a baddie in Avengers 2.

Strucker on the other hand is heavily involved with both Hydra and A.I.M. which could mean that he might be a modern villain that could resurrect Hydra or bring A.I.M. into the forefront. Considering Modok a known member of A.I.M. has been mentioned a few times by the screenwriters. He seems a good bet for Captain America 2 or the Nick Fury film. Hopefully we’ll see Madame Hydra ends up alongside Strucker.

Bob Layton Wants The Ghost To Be The Villain In Iron Man 3

While talking to 411Maina Iron Man comic book writer Bob Layton was asked about Iron Man 3 villains. Which Bob replied he’d love to see Ghost be the baddie and is pushing Shane Black to use him. Black is going to have double duties on the film writing and directing.

“I’ll let you know when I talk to him. The Ghost is who I want them to go with. It’s the villain I want them to use. I’m looking forward to getting the chance to talk to him about it”

Ghost is a rather popular Iron Man villain who is currently a member of the Thunderbolts and has already been introduced to fans in the Iron Man Armored series. He’s a cyber terrorist fitted with his “ghost-tech” that allows him to sneak into buildings and hack up a storm without ever being noticed. Along with some interesting weapons to go along with his technology. The espionage angle of the villain seems perfect for the more grounded approached the second sequel is boasting. Since the character has worked for both A.I.M. and the Roxxon Energy Corporation it seems that he could moonlight for anyone. The Roxxon building was shown during the Iron Monger and Iron Man L.A. battle in the first film.

-Previously there had been rumblings of Emily Blunt being considered for the role of Madame Masque.

-Clark Gregg has given fans via his Twitter account the impression that Agent Coulson will return for Iron Man 3.